11/27/2018 c25 kai
oh my goddd im perishing... pls... pls update soon... everything written in this story is Hot... very hot... although i didn't very much appreciate kagome's ctybaby character here. nonetheless... very hot all throughout... pls pls don't abandom this fic... it's been 10 years and we are Waiting... thank you so much for writing this masterpiece...
oh my goddd im perishing... pls... pls update soon... everything written in this story is Hot... very hot... although i didn't very much appreciate kagome's ctybaby character here. nonetheless... very hot all throughout... pls pls don't abandom this fic... it's been 10 years and we are Waiting... thank you so much for writing this masterpiece...
11/12/2016 c17 31SapphireKageKyuura
Awwe that was so sweet. They finally admitted their feelings for each other. Now if only Naraku and Kikyo would die then their happiness could last forever :D
Awwe that was so sweet. They finally admitted their feelings for each other. Now if only Naraku and Kikyo would die then their happiness could last forever :D
11/12/2016 c13 SapphireKageKyuura
Haha Kagome gramaced when she saw Jakotsu go into her dream room. That's so funny. I bet that room is all pink... XDD
Haha Kagome gramaced when she saw Jakotsu go into her dream room. That's so funny. I bet that room is all pink... XDD
11/12/2016 c8 SapphireKageKyuura
Awwwwe I hope you realize that there are at least 50% Kikyo haters that wish Kikyo died, or something bad happens to Kikyo, thus killing her off. The other 50% are Kikyo lovers -shudders with disgust at the words Kikyo lovers- who don't wish anything bad to happen to Kikyo. Eww... Kikyo is just eww...
Awwwwe I hope you realize that there are at least 50% Kikyo haters that wish Kikyo died, or something bad happens to Kikyo, thus killing her off. The other 50% are Kikyo lovers -shudders with disgust at the words Kikyo lovers- who don't wish anything bad to happen to Kikyo. Eww... Kikyo is just eww...
11/12/2016 c4 SapphireKageKyuura
Eww... why can't Kikyo just die? It would do the world a favor. The world would be better without her in it. And if Kinky-ho actually believes she could kill Kagome when she's with the Shichinitai then she must be really stupid. They would kill Kikyo before she even moved to launch an arrow.
Eww... why can't Kikyo just die? It would do the world a favor. The world would be better without her in it. And if Kinky-ho actually believes she could kill Kagome when she's with the Shichinitai then she must be really stupid. They would kill Kikyo before she even moved to launch an arrow.
8/11/2014 c8 naytia
Fuck kikyo
Fuck kikyo
7/10/2014 c25 Amaryllis
I love the story continue writting it
I love the story continue writting it
11/25/2013 c1 Cheyenne
I absolutely LOVE this story PLEASE update soon so I can read it I literally could not stop reading it its amazing.3 - cheyenne h
I absolutely LOVE this story PLEASE update soon so I can read it I literally could not stop reading it its amazing.3 - cheyenne h
8/8/2012 c25 shelby janzen
you are stupid
you are stupid