Just In
for Far Away

10/27/2008 c8 d' Aotearoa
If Victoria is dead, then there'll be no Eclipse. So they'll graduate from high school and then Breaking Dawn?
10/21/2008 c1 d' Aotearoa
Love Edward's POV :)
10/19/2008 c7 1justm
love this chappy!
10/15/2008 c6 4Twilightlovergirl
omg please write more
10/14/2008 c6 cxe
omg, you have to continue, i really want to know what happens.

but it's up to you, i really like your story!

10/13/2008 c6 d' Aotearoa
I love your story :) I always wanted to know whats going on with the phone call and what happen after that. I can't say I'm a huge fan of Jacob POV. So, this is fantastic. Hope you'll continue writing, can't wait to read more.
10/13/2008 c6 LunaLilyWeasley
wow thats really good
10/10/2008 c5 Twilightlovergirl
omg please keep writing
10/9/2008 c5 2TwilightFandamonium
I like this story please update soon
10/8/2008 c5 4Salted Top Hat
Oh my goodness I love this chapter! -) It's a cyclops smiley instead of a regular smiley! Lucky you! WRITE MORE!
10/8/2008 c5 neologismitastical

This seems like it's going to become a really good story.

Keep writing!

10/7/2008 c5 cxe
great story.=]

can't wait to hear more.

i hope you decide to keep it.

if you don't, that's okay.
10/7/2008 c2 1Truth About Forever
cant wait for the next one

make it a tad longer

and itd be awesome
10/3/2008 c4 4Salted Top Hat
Dun dun dun! OMG I love this please write more! =)

Jane: Oh does Jacob tear Edward up?

ME: I hope not! O.O
10/2/2008 c4 10His Gem
:) I love it

I think it is funny that you dont like that side of Bella. That part affected me more than anything. I was crying along with her because that's something that I've actually done, years ago. She always had vivid dreams... it is possible, and doesn't mean that she's weak.

Meh like i said... It's great! :) Keep up the good work and I hope that you update again soon!
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