Just In
for Far Away

5/13/2014 c13 24Camilla10
I tend to get irritated by authors starting new stories without completing the one they are writing. Plots are a dime a dozen - the real issue is to bring them to completion. Discipline, please! I have written 20 fics and never started posting before I had it all drafted.
I am saying this because I notice that you started this one in 2008. Does it makes sense for me to continue reading when there is a chance it will never be completed?
5/8/2014 c5 Camilla10
Alice can't see the wolves. You might want to amend the sentenc e when she says she saw a wolf coming and give another reason.
3/2/2014 c19 BookLover0317538
2/23/2014 c1 ladeerelli
Hmmm, a little disappointed as I usually don't start a story unless it's completed ; my fault I guess. I hope you decide to finish the story. I was enjoying it. Would love to know how it ends. Looks like you only need a few chapters to do so too.
2/14/2014 c19 stephi910
when I saw this story in my inbox, I couldn't remember it at I went back and read this story! can't wait for the next update...and still kinda dying to know what's going on with Jacob...hope u update again soon!
2/1/2014 c18 babesbraves
I know it's been 3 years from the last update but please think about finishing this fantastic book!
1/3/2013 c17 1kriscrable
I can visualize this chapter perfectly and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! :D
12/30/2012 c16 kriscrable
I love this story! Wonder if bella tried to let him hear her?
12/29/2012 c15 kriscrable
Ciffssssss...oh you.
12/29/2012 c14 kriscrable
Ohhhhh Cliffs! You anger me so.
12/29/2012 c13 kriscrable
Ahhh! What happened?! And can Alice see wolves?
12/29/2012 c12 kriscrable
I think Jacob will come! We haven't seen enough of him!
12/29/2012 c11 kriscrable
I LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEE THE HOST! Ian ROCKS! I like how you took them to Chicago it was cute :)
12/29/2012 c10 kriscrable
Amazinggggg :))))
12/28/2012 c9 kriscrable
Yeah Steph really doesn't potray him all that well does she?
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