Just In
for Far Away

12/28/2012 c8 1kriscrable
I really love Charlie in this chapter hahaha
12/28/2012 c7 kriscrable
Awweeee I love how you shortened it its great!
12/28/2012 c6 kriscrable
12/28/2012 c5 kriscrable
Just a question this time your Alice always going to be able to see wolves?
12/28/2012 c4 kriscrable
I like that bella doesn't seem stupid or weak, that was smart of you to do, I also don't like Volturra so this is awesome for me and I've always wondred Edward's POV!
12/28/2012 c3 kriscrable
Ooooooh I loveeeeeee Nickleback! (I'm gonna try to review every chapter! :)) yay! This is super kick butt amazing so far, just to let cha know :P
12/28/2012 c2 kriscrable
Hes so sad, it makes me cry! How'd you make me cry in one chapter?!
12/28/2012 c1 kriscrable
So excitedddd :D
5/28/2012 c18 1JoSlytherin6
Awesome story so far...!Keep it coming!
6/7/2011 c3 16Paradoxpixie
I have read much if not all of this story once before, I'm just now re-reading it. So forgive me if I've already said this, its been a long time since I read this. But I've noticed you're trying too hard to conform some scenes to the way they happened in the book. You're using direct quotes when they REALLY do NOT fit the scene. That's a common error, but I thought I'd point it out. For example chapter 3: Sanctuary, for much of that chapter I had this feeling of /wrongness/ of their lines, what they were saying did not fit in with the chain of events of this story. it was driving me mad.
5/9/2011 c14 rpattzgirl08
Aww no baby that sucks I like the ones that have a NORMAL pregnancy
5/2/2011 c18 Bammers
loved it very much thanks for sharing this with us and update when you can see you next time...
4/30/2011 c18 8CullenObsession114
loved it!
4/30/2011 c18 13JK5959
I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised to see an update. Not that I'm complaining. It's been a while for me as well. ;)

I enjoyed this chapter. I was glad to see a more understanding side to Edward. As much as he needs to protect Bella, he realizes that, in the end, she's one of them now and he can't shield her from everything. But, I'll admit, I found Bella somewhat annoying when she flew off the handle about Jacob fighting. Who does she think he is...his mother? :)

Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and guess that Jacob has imprinted on someone. Is it someone we know?
4/27/2011 c17 lauraIsabelle56
Hey u are a great writer you should finish your story i want to find out wHat happens with the volturi. i started reading and i couldnt stop please update as soon as possible
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