Just In
for Far Away

8/15/2010 c17 stephi910
is the story on hiatus?
6/27/2010 c17 1iVampNinja
amazing story so far and i am very sorry for reviewing so late.

at least, i reviewed (:

i love it and make more soon!
6/23/2010 c17 11WishUponAfallenstar
love this story!comtinue!
5/31/2010 c14 14HazelEyedHarlot
I dont get this, how is it that Carslile couldnt change Bella but Edward could? that makes no sense...
5/10/2010 c4 16Paradoxpixie
This story is good and all, but with this last chapter I feel you had a small problem. With Edward's explainations to Bella you used the exact same ones as in New Moon. Nice idea in theory, but in my opinion you needed to edit them more. Some of the things he says just do not fit in with the events in your story. I lie the idea of using his NM lines but some lines needed to be cut.
4/24/2010 c16 piccolover22
like the story but you are like copying the book no offense but try to make your own plot it would be better and you would get a lot more readers
4/23/2010 c17 1AliceCullen0629
Update soon really good story.
3/12/2010 c2 8babylopez2008
I wonder what he will find.
3/12/2010 c17 Bammers
loved it very much can't wait to see what happens next thanks...
3/2/2010 c17 13JK5959
I don't know what I did to help you, but thank you for the shout out. :) I'm always here if you need me.

Now, the chapter. The ending was perfect. I loved that she showed him what she went through. Edward never fully knew the extent of Bella's depression. What he did to her was devastating. He needed to see it, no matter how much it hurt him.

And I think it was best that you didn't write the love scene. This one was meant for them and only them. I would feel like I was imposing on too personal of a moment. :D
3/1/2010 c6 Moomoomama
I don't like the way Jacob was portrayed or how you kept on using parts of the book when you cold have made up something original.
1/17/2010 c16 1hidinginahatbox
wow i think you are doing a really good job. i like how you kept alot the same but still made it ur own story. keep up the good work!
12/4/2009 c16 204Lalaith Quetzalli
Shouldn't there be some kind of discussion between the Cullens and the Quileutes to discuss Jarred's attack on Bella, and how changing her became a necessity (no need to say they were planning on changing her anyway). That may give them some leeway, and it's not like Edward would let that particular situation go so easily. It's not in his nature.

And what about saying goodbye to Renee?
10/26/2009 c5 3Sky-Angel14
10/14/2009 c15 JLKO
Really enjoying the songs for the chapter too. I've youtubed them all and ended up downloading most of the albums. Nice touch, thanks! :)
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