Just In
for Cross Beauty

7/25/2009 c1 16Katina Uchiha
very nice! i liked it!
3/18/2009 c1 15Gradiency
Will you please update? I'm begging you! UPDATE! Yuu x Lavi 4ever! :D
10/18/2008 c1 Trishmeister
sounds like this is going to be interesting. next ch plz!
9/29/2008 c1 Lshdkebd73
I don't have noodles. -pout- I like the story! Keep updating! Make Kanda have a make over!
9/29/2008 c1 NakedKing
OMG NOT MY AWESOME NOODLES! *le gasp* ok i really like ur story... *sees kanda getting chopsticks* ! PLZWRIGHTNEXTCHAPTERSOON!
9/29/2008 c1 1xXJustAnotherFangirlXx
NO! MY NOODLES! i love you kanda-kun but i love my noodles more! BACK OFF! haha... the plot of this story is so original! i like it! i dont really mind where the plot goes... i mean ive read coffee shops, schools, bands, etc... but never a beauty salon... thats just awesome! thanks for writing... and i hope this is a good enough review for me to keep my noodles...

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