Just In
for Revenge

12/12/2014 c4 Ytger
That was mean for jakotsu to say that about kagome. Now they're just picking at her. Love the story so far!
8/18/2014 c8 126HistoryISculture
Update soon, please!
7/20/2014 c8 OokamiTora Hime
please update i really hate cliffys but i do love this story so far :)
4/26/2013 c8 Guest
Love it can't wait for the next chapter
3/20/2013 c4 73Prince Lutin
Kagome forgot her clothes? Oh dear...
7/25/2012 c1 LittleNightmare92
I really hope you continue writing this. It's really cute and I highly enjoyed it
4/27/2012 c8 The Unknown
Pretty pretty please update I can't wait to what happens I need to know!
11/28/2011 c8 shessysgrrl
you should soooooooo have kagome get all angry at inuyasha ccause the basterd said to bank to get away that kagome was his
11/23/2011 c8 3Deamonslayer576
I adore this story please update as soon as you possibly can. I really want to know what's going to happen next.
10/22/2011 c8 temari
i like the story i wish you can continue it =^-^=
5/18/2011 c8 nutbombhead
Omg I love the story plzz make more chapters.
5/16/2011 c8 8Amity Verity Fortunato
hehehe, the perfect moment to kill a bastard dog
12/24/2010 c8 nutbombhead
omg! i luv it plz write more chapters on the story! PLZZZ!
8/22/2010 c8 alexis
oh this is fricken good! and i can totally c jakotsu doing that weridly enough!haha...well anyway keep up the gud work!:):):)
8/8/2010 c8 russell
finish it plezz i can never get on cuz im not aloud so plezz finish it i beg u it is so good
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