Just In
for Mirror, Mirror

8/29/2009 c27 67revolution rae
Interesting take on a rarely seen character. I like that you made her evil, because it's not often that authors take a Gryffindor for that sort of thing. This is a fresh concept, and certainly a step outside the norm from other Demelzas I've read. So, good job! You've made your piece different, therefore ensuring that it is memorable.

8/28/2009 c27 32htbookreader1
lovely as usual...what else could it ever be but amazing! well written...good character choice...and its hp so where can you go wrong? keep it up! its been...amazing duh


8/27/2009 c27 4CommeParMagie
O... creepy lol
8/27/2009 c27 629yellow 14
I'm fine. Real life does get in the way sometimes. Which Green Day song out of curiousity? Only in the Mirror of Erised would Demelza ever see herself standing victorious over Harry. I like her though, think it's the whole evil thing. Very good keep updating
8/27/2009 c27 7L.A.H.H
Wow! I loved how this was so totally different to what you expected. Thanks for updating. x
8/27/2009 c27 5Iccle Amy
hmm ... interesting

good chapter x
8/27/2009 c27 starting anew
Ohh, so very good, Miss Kitty. So very good, indeed. I really love the ending! Wow, I haven't reviewed this story in ages... I'm such a terrible friend :( But wow wow! When have we got out maths test? Is it next week? I hope it is. I've got to revise. Ooh, did you know that I'm not able to do that Theorem thingy because I don't have a protractor. Not good...

Any who, Aths Carnival was great, and it wasn't as cold as I thought it would be, actually... dawg! Horf horf horf horf! Just ask Geema (I know I can't spell. No need to remind me.)

Well I must be off and research Captain Patrick Logan, the funny nosed Aboriginie killer.
8/26/2009 c27 136Lady Eleanor Boleyn
UGH! That made me shiver. Well done on the writing standard though.

I wonder what Bellatrix Black's heart's desire is? I wish you'd tell us!
8/17/2009 c4 Cassandra30
He could have had it earlier if he had treated her friend with decency and respect.
8/17/2009 c3 Cassandra30
Bet that shocked her! Excellent!
8/17/2009 c2 Cassandra30
Superb! Really good. Simple and imminently complex just like Severus himself.
8/17/2009 c1 Cassandra30
Excellent! Now that I like! I wonder if it ever occurred to either of them that in order to finish the business they had on this side they needed to forgive each other and themselves and get together. Telling about their stories and where the crown was also. Have you considered a story about these two as ghosts? Say a continuation from here? How would that affect everything?
8/14/2009 c26 25The Lime-Wielding Ninja
This chapter kind of creeped me out a little, what with the whole 'never came back' thing. Always gives me goosebumps.

At first, I thought he'd die trying to be an Animagus. I can imagine quite a few nasty things that could happen (mostly because I have a sick and graphic mind, but also because I just watched a show on various possible surgeries to fix a heart). But yeah, I think you did it better the way you did.

Also, a few spelling mistakes like "trnasforming" instead of 'transforming', or "hoer" instead of 'hero'. Al the rest was fine, though.

I hope you can update soon!
8/14/2009 c26 I Dance Alone
This chapter is one of my favorites. I feel so sad for Minerva. You write very well, and all of your characters and ideas are very real.

8/14/2009 c23 I Dance Alone
Aw...Poor Hagrid.
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