Just In
for Mirror, Mirror

8/14/2009 c26 Lauraw18
aw so sad!

You keep coming up with great pasts to character's we don't really know about.
8/14/2009 c26 32htbookreader1
aw! i love the idea!

keep up the good work will you ever run out of intersting ideas?


8/14/2009 c26 7L.A.H.H
What a fantastic idea. Well, not fantastic, but you get what I mean. Thank you for updating. x
8/14/2009 c26 5Iccle Amy
aww poor Minnie! lol

Great chapter, one of ur best so far I think.

8/14/2009 c26 628yellow 14
To be young again indeed. Alas, to lose someone close to you is not easy. Keep updating
8/13/2009 c26 12corruptone
Thank you for writing a McGonagall one! Yay, it was seriously lovely :) Adore it!
8/13/2009 c26 14Splash123
Nice job!
8/11/2009 c25 Lauraw18
That was a great chapter, it was really moving! Ted isn't mentioned much in the books so it was nice to see your version of his character. Keep updating!
8/5/2009 c18 67revolution rae
Aw. Poor Viktor wants to get out of his own shadow...I can relate to him...I mean, I'm not an international Quidditch star, lol, but I do understand in a different sense, that I won't bother explainingXD

8/5/2009 c13 revolution rae
...Cow Girl? BAHAHAHAHA. That's pretty funn-ayXD

And the other, more serious one: Nice. I like it. I prefer reading stories where Rose is more like the Weasley side, though:p. It's hard to find good ones where she's not Hermione's miniature. This is good, though; I'm getting off-track!

8/5/2009 c10 revolution rae
I love Neville(: Nice job writing him(:

8/5/2009 c8 revolution rae
"You are not living or dead- you simply are." That is a very powerful line. Kudos.

8/5/2009 c7 revolution rae
Poor Hermione...Mean ol' Ron. Or, well, ignorant Ron.

8/5/2009 c5 revolution rae
Oh...This is a very bittersweet chapter, I think. It's amazingly like Luna, though. She's one of my favorite characters, and it makes me sad that she won't ever find the Crumple-Horned Snorcack):

8/5/2009 c4 revolution rae
Eh. It's definitely a well-written chapter, but since I don't particularly like James Potter, I can't say I really like itXD Hehe. But if I did like James Potter, I'm sure I would like this(:

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