Just In
for Mirror, Mirror

4/24/2013 c1 56SocietyMember
Aw! Their romance is such a tragic one. Good job!
3/1/2013 c45 rosieh
this so sweet sad yet lifting this is really good
1/26/2013 c45 Noonie
Your writing greatly improved over the course of writing these - that last one with Lavender was really well done. I'm glad she came back to give her love that gift of knowing she had changed.
12/13/2012 c45 7L.A.H.H
Lovely chapter. Thanks for writing
12/13/2012 c45 5nienerz
Oh! My baby Lavender! I love her and it makes me sad that everyone bashes her and Patrivi for being two teenage, gossiping girls. :(
12/12/2012 c45 2glowyrm
that one was really good.
12/1/2012 c3 5nienerz
Do you think you could start a separate story about Ginny seeing Tom? Or at least can I? :) I'll make sure to give you credit.
8/11/2012 c2 114words-with-dragons
It's so sad, unrequited love. But I think it was for the best. I don't think they would've worked out. Besides, Snape has millions of fangirls for it (me not included).
8/11/2012 c1 words-with-dragons
"You might be surprised by how you feel sometimes, but when it's the right feeling, it becomes your core." -Unknown/me. :) oh Rowena, you can't change the past, but you can change the future by learning from it. Just try Rowena, just try.
6/11/2012 c44 8Athenais777
Such a keen and perceptive view of what brings Tonks and Remus together: their constant lack of belonging. Very nicely done.
6/9/2012 c44 2glowyrm
I imagine that Tonks must have had a rather harrowing childhood.
6/9/2012 c44 7L.A.H.H
Poor Tonks. I never thought of this being so hard for her.
6/9/2012 c44 136Lady Eleanor Boleyn
Oh I love Tonks...What a lovely chapter, thanks for the update!
1/17/2012 c43 628yellow 14
It came true as well. Wonderful, keep updating
1/16/2012 c43 Plate Captain
Miss Kitty! Oh my goodness I squealed when I saw this. This is gorgeous~ Everything you write is just... *le sigh* horribly good.

I really like how you wrote about what he would have seen at different parts of his life and how selfish and true he appeared. Just... wonderful, as always.
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