Just In
for Chuck vs the Misconception

8/10/2010 c2 87asesina
Another great chapter. The Dumbledore line was hilarious.
8/10/2010 c1 asesina
I love this so far! The Charah was sweet and I'm glad you made Bryce a good guy :)
8/6/2009 c2 tennisQUEEN07
lol loved the harry potter reference! Sarah's returned to the dark side NERDINESS!
3/9/2009 c1 bohoxlove
this is great. and thanks for the whole Bryce/Sarah moment in the first chapter. I think people only see him as the bad guy, which isn't fair to him. He cares for Sarah, duh, but he cares for Chuck too. thanks for playing that out. =]
3/8/2009 c2 24SamanthaLisaWalkerfan101
I like your crazy ramblings. Reminds me of my own thoughts. You are only a year or so older than me.

I thought this chapter was pretty good. Not the best, but neither is my stuff. So can I complain?

Good job!

3/8/2009 c1 SamanthaLisaWalkerfan101
I like Bryce too. He and Cole are so much better than Jill and Lou. :)

Good job!

11/13/2008 c2 Vaapad
really like this story too! Update soon!
10/15/2008 c2 12Shrimpy Kay
I really liked this story until the last line.

And then I loved it
10/15/2008 c2 Hoot-Hoot-Ashie
I actually really liked this chapter. I liked reading what Sarah was planning on telling Chuck before the breakup. And it was sad to hear she wants normal too :(

hurry back with more :)
10/14/2008 c2 64nattylovesjordy
I really liked the chapter.

Of course, I would've liked it had it been longer.

But, it actually just sparked some inspiration of my own. Hurray!
10/14/2008 c2 9tshdow
Actually, it would not matter if Chuck is updated or not. When the new intersect comes back online, they just have to kill him. It will keep him up to date until that happens. I feel that Bryce played the jerk again. Changed Chucks life once more. By placing the thought that Chuck had to do the right thing, he pushed him to do what he did, instead of letting Sarah make her own decision. Still good chapter.
10/14/2008 c2 8Listen2TheThunder
I loved that Harry Potter reference. Keep up the good work!
10/14/2008 c2 lstconfused
hm...i wonder when all this merry-go-round will end and they finally get together. good chapter though, i think it gave us some perspective as to what sarah was thinking during this episode. =)
10/8/2008 c1 jessclifton
This is good! I'm curious about where you're taking it.
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