2/9/2009 c13 3Lehra Star
Finish what you started. There is way too much potential in this story for you to give up. Pace yourself on your writing. There really is no need to get it all done in one sitting. Try writing a chapter, a page, every week, and up-date when you think it's done.
I'll still be there for you.
If you need any sort of ideas at all, if that is your problem, I'm bleedin from the ears with them. Just put a note at the end if you need it.
MUCH LOVE! -^-^-
Finish what you started. There is way too much potential in this story for you to give up. Pace yourself on your writing. There really is no need to get it all done in one sitting. Try writing a chapter, a page, every week, and up-date when you think it's done.
I'll still be there for you.
If you need any sort of ideas at all, if that is your problem, I'm bleedin from the ears with them. Just put a note at the end if you need it.
MUCH LOVE! -^-^-
1/12/2009 c13 Mary
I think the story is great!
Don't abandon something that the public obviously loves!
I think the story is great!
Don't abandon something that the public obviously loves!
1/11/2009 c13 1Happy Hour123
I love this story so far. i think it's funny and has a great plot. You can't just leave it here i want to know what happens next. If you feel you must re-write it the best thing to do is finish it first and then see what you think.
I really hope you don't abandon this story :) Keep up the good work!
I love this story so far. i think it's funny and has a great plot. You can't just leave it here i want to know what happens next. If you feel you must re-write it the best thing to do is finish it first and then see what you think.
I really hope you don't abandon this story :) Keep up the good work!
1/11/2009 c13 14PrincessNala
NO! Don't abandon this fic! Keep going!
I haven't watched Yugioh for about ten months, and I get stuck every now and again. (Basically, every freaking chapter ^^; ) But I think this is a great fic and you really should keep it up. I like it. :D
You got all these reviews from people saying they like this fic, so your writing must be pretty good, eh? Don't be so hard on yourself.
I don't know if this has helped, but I just think you should keep up the good work. I'll be waiting for your next chapter update! :D
lv PrincessNala
NO! Don't abandon this fic! Keep going!
I haven't watched Yugioh for about ten months, and I get stuck every now and again. (Basically, every freaking chapter ^^; ) But I think this is a great fic and you really should keep it up. I like it. :D
You got all these reviews from people saying they like this fic, so your writing must be pretty good, eh? Don't be so hard on yourself.
I don't know if this has helped, but I just think you should keep up the good work. I'll be waiting for your next chapter update! :D
lv PrincessNala
1/11/2009 c13 5Nicole Silvers
Sweetheart, as a fellow author I must say that getting discouraged due to lack of posting is not something to stop a series for. Yes, you said you'd try to update every Wednesday and Sunday, but I know keeping to that is not always easy. A writer can only write when they feel like writing. I mean look at me, my series already has 140 chapters from being published on another site, but I've been editing. In the six months I've been here... I've posted 34 of that 140.
You can't rush creativity, because that's where your work gets sloppy (believe me, I know. There's a reason I'm doing very picky editing on LLTSK. I did a set up like yours where I said I would update every week. I would just write in things that didn't really matter to the main story line just to get the part out, and my quality very lacked in that time period.)
Sweetheart, true fans wait forever and a day for you to update. I do that for you. Take your time, and if you're stuck give me a message. If you use YIM I talk to FairyLilly1 all the time on there. We help each other out when we run into writer's block. my username in YIM is musicliftsmysoul Don't hesitate. I love to help and give random ideas. Come on! ask fairyLilly we RP stuff for our stories all the time ^^
Now on the topic of quality a little more. I think your series is great! It's very entertaining, and that's what stories are for. I love how you've set things up. You're not rushing things, and you play off your characters well. How you rank this a C I don't know. If this is a C my stuff must be a D! XD
My bottom line is, don't stop. Keep going! don't worry about deadlines. This isn't a job (or at least it isn't for me ^^) Write when you feel like writing. That's when your best stuff comes about. If you ever need help, I'm always open.
Hope to be hearing from you soon, one way or another!
-Heather Nicole Hughes
Sweetheart, as a fellow author I must say that getting discouraged due to lack of posting is not something to stop a series for. Yes, you said you'd try to update every Wednesday and Sunday, but I know keeping to that is not always easy. A writer can only write when they feel like writing. I mean look at me, my series already has 140 chapters from being published on another site, but I've been editing. In the six months I've been here... I've posted 34 of that 140.
You can't rush creativity, because that's where your work gets sloppy (believe me, I know. There's a reason I'm doing very picky editing on LLTSK. I did a set up like yours where I said I would update every week. I would just write in things that didn't really matter to the main story line just to get the part out, and my quality very lacked in that time period.)
Sweetheart, true fans wait forever and a day for you to update. I do that for you. Take your time, and if you're stuck give me a message. If you use YIM I talk to FairyLilly1 all the time on there. We help each other out when we run into writer's block. my username in YIM is musicliftsmysoul Don't hesitate. I love to help and give random ideas. Come on! ask fairyLilly we RP stuff for our stories all the time ^^
Now on the topic of quality a little more. I think your series is great! It's very entertaining, and that's what stories are for. I love how you've set things up. You're not rushing things, and you play off your characters well. How you rank this a C I don't know. If this is a C my stuff must be a D! XD
My bottom line is, don't stop. Keep going! don't worry about deadlines. This isn't a job (or at least it isn't for me ^^) Write when you feel like writing. That's when your best stuff comes about. If you ever need help, I'm always open.
Hope to be hearing from you soon, one way or another!
-Heather Nicole Hughes
1/10/2009 c13 9Time on my hands
This story is definitely worth continuing. I have missed your updates. Please don't abandon it. It's too good. I have been enjoying it since the first chapter. If you feel it isn't up to your standards, then work on improving the future chapters until you are satisfied. If you need to do some research before continuing, that's ok too. I'm patient. Spend some time watching reruns. Spend some time reading other fics. And if your school life leaves you no time, then by all means put that first. You can update when school gives you a breather. I would rather see slow updates than an abandoned fic that is this good. You are way too hard on yourself. Looking forward to the continuation of this fic.
This story is definitely worth continuing. I have missed your updates. Please don't abandon it. It's too good. I have been enjoying it since the first chapter. If you feel it isn't up to your standards, then work on improving the future chapters until you are satisfied. If you need to do some research before continuing, that's ok too. I'm patient. Spend some time watching reruns. Spend some time reading other fics. And if your school life leaves you no time, then by all means put that first. You can update when school gives you a breather. I would rather see slow updates than an abandoned fic that is this good. You are way too hard on yourself. Looking forward to the continuation of this fic.
1/10/2009 c13 4SS-lover06
You should continue it! Maybe if you reread your story again, it might help you back on your feet. I know writing blocks are pretty hard to overcome, I'm in one for awhile too.
You should continue it! Maybe if you reread your story again, it might help you back on your feet. I know writing blocks are pretty hard to overcome, I'm in one for awhile too.
12/29/2008 c12 too lazy to sign in
Oh my god! I love it! You have to update!
Oh my god! I love it! You have to update!
11/13/2008 c12 3Lehra Star
HA! Now that is just too funny. How hilarious can you get when Pegasus comes in?
INFINATELY MUCH! Especially when Kaiba's in the equation.
This chapter rocked. Write more pretty please! Or fear the wrath of the elite one! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
HA! Now that is just too funny. How hilarious can you get when Pegasus comes in?
INFINATELY MUCH! Especially when Kaiba's in the equation.
This chapter rocked. Write more pretty please! Or fear the wrath of the elite one! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
11/12/2008 c12 9Time on my hands
He always has to have the last word doesn't he? I think it's funny that he had to stop and think before he realized he's been having fun playing with her. I can't wait for the party. It promises to be a lot of fun. Pegasus is going to have to mess with him. Wonder how long he can keep his cool? I enjoyed the peek into Kaiba's thoughts. Please update soon.
He always has to have the last word doesn't he? I think it's funny that he had to stop and think before he realized he's been having fun playing with her. I can't wait for the party. It promises to be a lot of fun. Pegasus is going to have to mess with him. Wonder how long he can keep his cool? I enjoyed the peek into Kaiba's thoughts. Please update soon.
11/12/2008 c12 5Nicole Silvers
Ha! How did I see that coming XD
Yea Yuki get's to go to San Fran ^^ Pretty city minus all the smog. lol
Keep it up!
Ha! How did I see that coming XD
Yea Yuki get's to go to San Fran ^^ Pretty city minus all the smog. lol
Keep it up!
11/10/2008 c11 leh
EXCELLENT! I loved it. It's just too hilarious. I can't wait for the up-date. It'll be sweet! I know it!
EXCELLENT! I loved it. It's just too hilarious. I can't wait for the up-date. It'll be sweet! I know it!
11/9/2008 c11 Nicole Silvers
I'll agree with the moving quickly, but as long as you have something planned! Great job! ^^ w00t! Keep em' coming!
I'll agree with the moving quickly, but as long as you have something planned! Great job! ^^ w00t! Keep em' coming!