Just In
for Ice and Snow

11/6/2008 c10 leh
Cute. Did they have sex yet, now that's hilarious. Right some more to give me a reason to live, okay? -^_^-
11/5/2008 c10 9Time on my hands
You did an awesome job with the siblings. I think it's great that Yuki can accept and support her brother in his chosen lifestyle. Too often even those closest to us can condemn our choices and try to force their beliefs on us. Let's hope when the time comes that Ryou can do the same for his sister. Please update soon.
11/4/2008 c9 2Stephan Cardin
O.o that was a bit quick... I'm not one for fast developing relationships so I don't really have much to say ^-^;;

11/4/2008 c8 Stephan Cardin
You should REALLY consider making your chapters longer ^-^

11/3/2008 c9 leh
OMG! That is so cute! I loved it! He kissed her! On the forehead, but a kiss is a kiss. Write more POR FAVOR! (please) I love it tOo much for you to stop!
10/29/2008 c8 5Nicole Silvers
w00t! w00t!

Once again, Brava! ^^

I enjoied very much (expically after studying a few hours of chemistry for my exam in *counts* nine hours -_-)

Keep it up!
10/29/2008 c7 leh
Actually, I totally agree with the prostitue thing. Yeah, Kaiba is, shockingly, A MAN! *gasp* So I DEFINATELY wouldn't put it past him to hire a protitue or two. I'm just concerned if he runs background checks or not to see if she's at least not DISEASED! I'm sure he does. Kaiba is much too much a careful person not to be.
10/27/2008 c7 Nicole Silvers
ok! I finally got to it. Sorry my computer is not being very nice and I just sent it back home with my b/f to get fixed. *cries missing her PC* I'm stuck with my laptop but it works enough to do what I need for the next week.

Anyway! XD LOVED IT! Who wold think.. well I'm not bothered by the escourt. *shrugs* it's original and I actually used it in an OLD series of mine that isn't on here... yet. I'll finish LLTSK first XD

Well can't wait for the nest one ^^ Keep it up!
10/27/2008 c7 girl
I'm just going to give a bit CC because I feel that this story has potential, but it's not quite reaching it. Personally, I'm not a fan of creating sibling for a cannon character, particularly when that character already has a known sibling, but that's a personal choice. I also don't understand why he hired her to be his secretary in the first place. She shouldn't have computer programmer skills unless there's a good explanation. It comes across a bit Mary Sue. There also needs to be more balance between dialogue and description. You should use the description between the dialogue. It'll make the story more dynamic.
10/26/2008 c7 9Time on my hands
I just love Yuki. She certainly doesn't have a problem speaking her mind. She seems to have him slightly on the defensive at this point in time. It's good that she and Mokuba get along well. And of course his lunch wouldn't be poisoned. No matter how satisfying it would be. She'd be out of a job then. The fact that he asked could be an indication of a guilty conscience. Not like he's done anything to earn her wrath. Right. Please update soon.
10/26/2008 c7 14PrincessNala
Hey, still lovin this!

:D Don't worry, he sleeps with prostitutes in mine too. Well, he used to ^^

Update soon please!

lv PrincessNala

10/24/2008 c6 leh
Blue eyes commander? That is just too FUNNY! I loved this! Let the battle of the sexes begin! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! -^O^-
10/22/2008 c6 5Nicole Silvers
w00t! XD

That's all I gotta say, because it's late and I need to go to bed XP
10/22/2008 c6 Mary
Really love the story!

Can't wait until you update.
10/20/2008 c5 9Time on my hands
So, they're both plotting revenge hm? He got to start by trashing his office and expecting her to come in early and pick up after him like his mother. It looks like someone never grew up, huh? It would be really funny to see her compare his little temper tantrum to a two year old, to his face. Let the sparks fly. This is going to be such fun. First shots have been fired in the war between the sexes. Who's going to bleed first? Please update soon.
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