Just In
for Thousand Year Love Story ::千年戀物語::

7/27/2016 c5 Guest
PLEASE UPDATE! I'm really excited to see how things will go down from here on out!

Asdfgjkl I keep having persistant thoughts that Sakura is the master behind the.. rebellion, as to put it simply. Or if not her, then Tomoyo, Eriol, or Yukito. I highly doubt it's Yue, aha.
5/11/2014 c3 Ryou
When will you update?
I read all 5 chapters and need more.
Historical fiction always captivates me...
3/16/2014 c5 inScense09
I'm wondering how much Sakura will hate Syaoran once she finds out what he did. I'm really hoping you decide to continue with this story do please update when possible :)))
3/16/2014 c4 inScense09
Oh my god! What a chapter! Things are getting very interesting. I like Meilin here :))
3/16/2014 c3 inScense09
Ooh well...what a chapter!
3/16/2014 c2 inScense09
Oh how I love the angst! No really I do! Because in the end I know bit will all be worth it. Even though the angst will slowly killed me I know it will be worth it ;) Btw I love forbidden love stories so this story is just right for me :))
3/16/2014 c1 inScense09
I'm probably going to regret starting this story since it hadn't been updated in quite a while but eh I love evading stories where it looks like the author has research enough to know what they're talking about :) Plus it helps that this is a SakuraxSyaoran story D
2/16/2014 c5 2pApAw
so please update

love it

9/19/2013 c5 Guest
Oh Syaoran... :/

I want to say the master is Sakura for some reason... lol
6/20/2013 c5 LoveLittleWolf
Great story! Please update and finish it!
6/16/2013 c5 skyhopper
This is very very good! You had me hooked since chapter 1. Sad things is there is only 5 chapters lol I know it's been A WHILE since your last update but update soon please.

3/23/2013 c5 10Musette Fujiwara
Oh my...

Syaoran goes to great lengths to protect the princess.

I love it
3/22/2013 c1 11NewLight 30
I love what you have going, especially your description, the feelings/emotions each character has, and the danger is definetly a nice touch. I'm sad Sakura was betrothed to another, but I hope in the end she and syaroan are together. Hope you update soon
3/15/2013 c5 winter-ghost-20
yow love this... please make more more chapter...
2/20/2013 c5
That was a big twist in the story can't wait for you to update
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