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for All For Love

6/19/2021 c25 Guest
Ch 25 I’m so glad Brooke and Lucas resolved their issues I’m so worried fir them and the baby!

Chase and LINDSLUT should die. Fuckers.
6/19/2021 c24 Guest
Ch24 why are these 2 so stubborn! And if I haven’t said it earlier I’m saying it now, chase abs his parents deserve to die. So does lindslut
6/19/2021 c23 Guest
6/19/2021 c22 Guest
Ch 22 awh Lucas only wants his wife aka Brookie! Love that line ‘sex now talk laterI’ll
6/19/2021 c21 Guest
Ch21, I feel so so so bad for Bevin and Skillz. My heart goes out to them! Also, Chase don’t do this, not w Lindsey. You’re better than her! I’m scared for my Brucas
6/19/2021 c20 Guest
Ch20 thank God Brooke is okay! Also wtfff is up w Chase’s family like Chase I can understand but not his parents!
6/19/2021 c19 Guest
Ch19, I love how you handled Richard and Jules in the story, so mature! Okay I’m gonna go read ch20 cuz you ended this one on a high note!
6/19/2021 c18 Guest
Ch18, aww Brookie it’s okay! Lucas is here for you. I love how you write them. Their fluff is so adorable and so is the storyline w Richard.
6/19/2021 c17 Guest
Ch17 Richard Bitchtoria for sure (so far at least). I just wish Brucas and the baby are okay! And chase is so annoying but I hope he doesn’t turn into a bigger threat
6/19/2021 c16 Guest
Ch16, MY FAV CHAPTER yet! I love Lucas protecting Brooke so much!
6/19/2021 c15 Guest
Ch15 Lucas said it and Brooke said it too. The I love yous and the sex, more like the move making! Gosh I love them. And their friends! What’s chase showing her?
6/19/2021 c14 Guest
Ch 14. PERFECTION from start to fin. The wedding, the time on the beach before it, everything was perfectly beautiful! Ever. The dance too!
6/19/2021 c13 Guest
Ch13: awesome job yet again. Loving all the Brucas fluff!
6/19/2021 c12 Guest
Ch12 on a lighter note was really goooood! Chase is such a idiot sometimes and Lucas is so cuteeeee I wanna pull his cheeks and tell him Brooke is his
6/19/2021 c11 Guest
Ch 11 was intense. Applause on that. Intense characterisation of Bitchtoria. I have to say Karen is a good woman. I loved her standing up for Brooke along w Lucas ofc and Brooke. What a class apart woman. The way she fired Victoria (in every which way) was awesome. Also, Brookie is pregnant and that’s cute w Lucas acting protective of her. Especially since chase is acting up!
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