8/9/2016 c41 Guest
Love this story! I wish you'd finish! Update?
Love this story! I wish you'd finish! Update?
1/18/2016 c41 Guest
When are you going to update and finishing this awesome story
When are you going to update and finishing this awesome story
11/8/2015 c41
Awww damn please continue this i need to know what happens next ...i just binged this all over the course of 3 days its so good

Awww damn please continue this i need to know what happens next ...i just binged this all over the course of 3 days its so good
4/26/2015 c41 Guest
Please update
Please update
3/23/2015 c41 Kaylin
Today marks five years and I'm quite sad actually:( I just started reading but I feel un satisfied knowing that your 31 now and quite possibly have a kaleigh/Lucas of your own, and you probably might but have a true reason to come back but since I'm 14 in gonna allow myself to dream and believe tonight will be the night your few week hiatus ends. I hope you're ok Pheary!
Today marks five years and I'm quite sad actually:( I just started reading but I feel un satisfied knowing that your 31 now and quite possibly have a kaleigh/Lucas of your own, and you probably might but have a true reason to come back but since I'm 14 in gonna allow myself to dream and believe tonight will be the night your few week hiatus ends. I hope you're ok Pheary!
3/21/2015 c34
As if them not being together anymore doesn't ruin your day.. But CMM is expecting a baby, and it makes me sad because it should be Sophia having his babies..I mean technically when all this stuff was happening (the marriage/divorce) I was five and 6 and when the show stArted I was 3...so I wasn't around for much of that but watching the show and seeing their chemistry in the beginning literally kills me. I guess I've never really liked Peyton, I hated her when she was with Nathan because like.. If he makes you unhappy why're you with him and why do you constantly allow him to use you as a doormat, you know? And then there's the whole Lucas pokes his heart out to you and you reject him.. Then later you decide "oh Lucas I do love you I want to take a chance" like you had your opportunity Peyton! You can't just decide when he's convinent and then the cheating thing..like why did Mark have to crush Brooke like that honestly? Peyton and Lucas look like siblings..that should've been marks first notion Pucas was a no-go. Yet he went with it, even when Peyton did had Lucas she took him for granted and I hated that. It's obvious to me that Peyton never really was or did love Lucas the way he thinks he loves her (because he doesn't) she was in love with his convinience and the idea that she took something Brooke Davis had. Peyton's jealous of Brooke and so somehow in her twisted little blonde head she decided that she'd get her boyfriend..*eye roll* I don't think Lucas loved her either I mean..he's a writer... They always have a hero and the damsel that needs protecting. Brooke's independent really and doesn't need Lucas to hover over her, Peyton's a dependent little W-H-O-R-E..and so Lucas went with where he could be hero and that was Peyton not realizing that he can still be Brooke's hero without her being broken. Another thing that mark didn't think our when he was planning endgames and his "OTP's" is Lucas and Peyton are literally the same personality, they look alike everything. Why would you want to date a copy of yourself? Anyways..that's my OTH rant for the day lol teehee. This stories really good I've read 34 chapters in one day and I'm in love with everything you're doing done to the last period if your chapters. It's great I love it keep on writing!
*kaylin aka

As if them not being together anymore doesn't ruin your day.. But CMM is expecting a baby, and it makes me sad because it should be Sophia having his babies..I mean technically when all this stuff was happening (the marriage/divorce) I was five and 6 and when the show stArted I was 3...so I wasn't around for much of that but watching the show and seeing their chemistry in the beginning literally kills me. I guess I've never really liked Peyton, I hated her when she was with Nathan because like.. If he makes you unhappy why're you with him and why do you constantly allow him to use you as a doormat, you know? And then there's the whole Lucas pokes his heart out to you and you reject him.. Then later you decide "oh Lucas I do love you I want to take a chance" like you had your opportunity Peyton! You can't just decide when he's convinent and then the cheating thing..like why did Mark have to crush Brooke like that honestly? Peyton and Lucas look like siblings..that should've been marks first notion Pucas was a no-go. Yet he went with it, even when Peyton did had Lucas she took him for granted and I hated that. It's obvious to me that Peyton never really was or did love Lucas the way he thinks he loves her (because he doesn't) she was in love with his convinience and the idea that she took something Brooke Davis had. Peyton's jealous of Brooke and so somehow in her twisted little blonde head she decided that she'd get her boyfriend..*eye roll* I don't think Lucas loved her either I mean..he's a writer... They always have a hero and the damsel that needs protecting. Brooke's independent really and doesn't need Lucas to hover over her, Peyton's a dependent little W-H-O-R-E..and so Lucas went with where he could be hero and that was Peyton not realizing that he can still be Brooke's hero without her being broken. Another thing that mark didn't think our when he was planning endgames and his "OTP's" is Lucas and Peyton are literally the same personality, they look alike everything. Why would you want to date a copy of yourself? Anyways..that's my OTH rant for the day lol teehee. This stories really good I've read 34 chapters in one day and I'm in love with everything you're doing done to the last period if your chapters. It's great I love it keep on writing!
*kaylin aka
11/29/2014 c40 Guest
Pleassssssssse come back and finish this story! It's one of my absolute favorites on fanfic!
Pleassssssssse come back and finish this story! It's one of my absolute favorites on fanfic!
8/15/2014 c40 Guest
Please come back and finish this story! It's one of my favorites! It's so good! Bring Kaleigh and DRAMA back into the story! :)
Please come back and finish this story! It's one of my favorites! It's so good! Bring Kaleigh and DRAMA back into the story! :)
5/10/2014 c41 Guest
1/19/2014 c41 Chelsea
I hope that you will be able to continue writing..
You have a great future to be a great writer..
Anyway, it was really great reading everything in your website:)
I hope that you will be able to continue writing..
You have a great future to be a great writer..
Anyway, it was really great reading everything in your website:)
1/17/2014 c40 Chelsea
I know that it's already 2014...
I just found your website in the INTERNET and I just thought it was really great reading it
I hope that you are still writing some stories about them because I'm really a huge fun of BRUCAS..
I know that it's already 2014...
I just found your website in the INTERNET and I just thought it was really great reading it
I hope that you are still writing some stories about them because I'm really a huge fun of BRUCAS..
10/28/2013 c1
Ok..i know Iits toooooo late to be reviewing for thos story...but im new here and read this story and just had to! I love it! ! Keep writing. ..
I hope that when I decide to wrote you'll read it
I will also need a lot of help...
All my love

Ok..i know Iits toooooo late to be reviewing for thos story...but im new here and read this story and just had to! I love it! ! Keep writing. ..
I hope that when I decide to wrote you'll read it
I will also need a lot of help...
All my love