Just In
for All For Love

10/22/2008 c2 brucasever
o my god! i so love this story! and it seems that it`s getting better! please update soon
10/22/2008 c2 5paranoidbychoice
oh you so have to update i just found this story and it sounds really good
10/22/2008 c2 1Hope4better
ooh i loove this fic! please update soon!
10/22/2008 c2 pink5288
10/22/2008 c2 brucs2gether
great 2nd chap...its getting it! UD soon!
10/22/2008 c1 bdavisrulz
Great story..i really love the pacing and how you managed to incorporate what happened in the actual show with something AU..can't wait for more...
10/22/2008 c2 Bazzle
I love how this story is going and can't wait to read more. Really curious to see Brooke and Lucas their reactions to the engagment. Hope you'll update soon.
10/21/2008 c1 brucs2gether
great story...UD soon
10/21/2008 c1 AmbroCoo
loved it to bits, definently continue
10/21/2008 c1 theduckone
awsome first chapter!

cant wait to see them interact - and how the whole story pans out!

Update soon :)
10/20/2008 c1 PeterClaire
This is a great idea. I can't wait for the brucas. Update soon.
10/20/2008 c1 3junebugx87
I like it! Update soon! =) I'm curious to see where this is headed.
10/20/2008 c1 19toddntan
Hey P,

The new story is really good! I love successful B. Davis and Successful Lucas Scott! The fact that Peyton has dated him is totally a plus! I think I will continue to hate her, but maybe you can make me like her! I already am enjoying Rachel, just because she is one of my favorites! I like how Lucas was watching her from the bar… So sweet, and Owen telling Lucas about the famous Brooke Davis! For some reason, I’m all stoked for this story! I can image all the trouble they will get into together! I hope Victoria doesn’t act like a childish B*tch and try to hurt Brooke! I know that you broke my heart in your other fic: WE BELONG TOGETHER! So please don’t let that witch hurt Brooke! I like their back ground too, but who is Skillz, girlfriend? That was random, but I was just wondering! :o)

Anyway, I hope I’m your first review!

Update soon

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