Just In
for What I Want

2/8/2016 c20 Random Reader
This is a test to see if I can comment. lol
I give this story 100/10 because it is that amazing. It is beautifully written. It reminds me a little of Howl's moving castle. In this story Nekozawava and the Beerznoff share a secret that is connected with Nekozawa's magic powers the same way as Howl and Calcifer were bound with their deal. Now even though from the first glance one might think this is just a tale with Ouran characters I would need to note that this story has it's 'naughtiness' between the lines. Couldn't stop grinning when I read Nekozawa calling Haruhi a "kitten" and also him implying that he expects deeper and more intimate relationship between themselves (as far as to have a child and we all know children don't come out of thin air). The chemistry author showed between the characters is enormous. So if you check the reviews to see if you want to read it, I will recommend. It is entertaining, sweet and cute.

Random Reader~~
1/23/2016 c20 SnellsLaw
It has been a while, why aren't you updating? I want to know how far their relationship progresses and also she never answered that question :D I'd love to know Haruhi's answer.

For some reason when Haruhi said she wore his clothes and read his books to feel close to him, I felt like she is plotting something. :D

Hope you will get into the mood and write another chapter :D
12/29/2015 c11 Lizzybuzzy
Reading your review on another story brought me to your profile where I have discovered this beautifully written piece of work. I liked your story.
* The overall flow is good
* There are no grammatical mistakes
* The language is wisely chosen for the medieval-like setting
* The plot is original
* The length for each chapter is medium which is not bad thing.
* Haruhi is overall in character, It is hard to say if Nekozawa is or not.

* I have notices some word repetitions. You used the same word in different sentences twice which is not an awful thing but messes with the good flow.
* The story takes a bit too long to get to a conflict point and is a bit vague in the first few chapters.
* Some parts do give unnecessary detail.

Keep working! my I will grade this work 7.5/10
12/29/2015 c21 RepeatingSimplePhrases
Ahhhh, this story is so well written and amazing! Please update soon!
12/28/2015 c4 SnellsLaw
"... and I was wondering what exactly it is you thought you'd be doing here" line.. hahah :P
I can imagine what kind of ideas crossed his mind. ;) and
12/28/2015 c2 SnellsLaw
Fantasy romance is my favourite type of romance, so seeing this rather tempting story I have decided to read. The first chapter immediately forced me into the original, tale-like world you have created. I never read Haruhi and Nekozawa pairing before. Had to admit I am a huge Kyoharu shipper but the way you narrated this story made me reconsider and read it.
12/26/2015 c21 4Topazled Hannah
(Phone review and sick, not responsible for uncaught typos.)

Ahh! I see drama in our near future! I wonder what t Haruhi and Kaoru will do. I'm glad you went back and did the birth from Ranka's perspective. It's good to see why no pursuit was made although they never "killed" her. It'll be good to see what Arai and him do after this.

Thanks for the fast updates, and looking forward to the next chapter,
Topazled Hannah
12/20/2015 c20 8Littlecosma001
What if arai happens to stumble through the blind or and finds haruhi? That'd be kinda cool. I love this story so much!
12/20/2015 c20 DHANUED
Thanks for updating!
12/20/2015 c20 4Topazled Hannah
(Phone review again, pardon weird typos)

Om nom nom, instant karma. I feel like if Nekozawa continues flirting like this he's gonna get slapped.

Poor Arai. Maybe he shouldn't have cursed Arai, I'm not sure Ranka would have fully believed him and may have talked him out of it. Maybe... But too late.

Shit is gonna hit the fan in the next couple chapters, i can see it.

Looking forward to the next update,
Topazled Hannah
12/18/2015 c19 1minininjamaster
so glad to have you back
12/17/2015 c19 4Topazled Hannah
(Please note, I'm reviewing from my phone so excuse any typos/nonsensical words.)

Wow... It's been forever! I didn't recognize the name when the update hit my e-mail so i went back and reread the whole story before reading this chapter. I'm glad the writing style hasn't changed too much, i enjoy how you tell your tale. Ahh, but your chapters are short as ever so i find myself desiring the next chapter quickly. Is Nekozawa going to figure out Haruhi had a guest? Why did Arai run to the Haruhi's family? I really wanna know!

Overall nice work returning to your story, i hope you have enough free time that the next chapter doesn't take too long!

~Topazled Hannah
7/23/2013 c18 1mtnikolle
Oh. I've reached the end - so far. *sigh*

This has the potential to be quite the epic with lots of little (or not so little) trials that the plot(s) could follow! I've really enjoyed reading it so far (fantasy is one of my favourites). I'll definitely enjoy reading the rest when you have the opportunity to write it :)
7/23/2013 c7 mtnikolle
Oh, yes, definitely intrigued. I'm really enjoying the story. I saw on your profile that you still have intentions to continue if when your Naruto story is well in hand, and I'm glad. This one definitely deserves to be completed! :)
7/23/2013 c6 mtnikolle
I'm finding the Nekozawa/Haruhi interactions very interesting and intriguing so far. I'm looking forward to reading the remaining chapters :)
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