Just In
for What I Want

3/17/2013 c18 DHANUED
This is so good! Update soon! this is my new favorite story!
8/7/2011 c18 birningice
Are you ever going to write more of this story? I thought about it today, and was sad when I realized how long it has been since it has been updated. Such a shame to let a great story like this go to waste...
2/27/2011 c18 1AyameRose
hehe... well that relationship is alittle different... hmmm... i sorta like the HaruXNeko going on here...
12/30/2010 c18 ljusalfheim
great story :D it reminds me Howl's moving castle ;O I hope you will finish you story someday
6/24/2009 c18 krystal
awesome story.update soon.
6/23/2009 c18 11birningice
Hm... You make it seem like they are not that close,, I don't know. I like it though, I hope Nakozawa comes home in the next chapter! ^_^
6/22/2009 c17 5Kebire
Nice story! I love how you make Nekozawa adorable and likeable yet creepy and dangerous at the same time. I'm interested in seeing how Nekozawa reacts when he finds out that he has to share Haruhi a little.
6/14/2009 c17 krystal
wow it seems that kaoru and haruhi is getting along pretty well guess i have to find out more in the next chapter!
6/14/2009 c17 11birningice
I like this chapter, and that myth you put in there was interesting! I hope you up-date soon. I look forward to it! ^_^
6/9/2009 c16 krystal
OMG i love this story! i thought you abandon this man! anyway update soon plz.
6/9/2009 c16 Snappy Burns
So things are starting to heat up :)

Good chapter
6/9/2009 c15 Snappy Burns
"It would be a while before he realized she never answered his question."

Ah! Scary! I can't think of Haru like that yet! Please no!

But cute chapter, by the way. Nekozawa's initial cuteness is kind of losing a little of its glimmer. I guess Haru really is in a bad spot.
6/9/2009 c14 Snappy Burns
What? Bad Nekozawa! He's so mean now.
6/9/2009 c13 Snappy Burns
I'm impressed by how many details you put into the story. Too many fanfictions are so obviously rushed, but your prose flows well and leaves little to question, at least in my opinion. I like how you introduced Kaoru and mentioned the Prince (Tamaki, right?) and Eclair. I like how the chapters are so precise but still so enjoyable to read. Well done so far!

So far this is a great contender for my favorites list! And as I have exclaimed in so many previous reviews, Nekozawa and Haruhi are so kyott! "Kitten!" Aw!
6/9/2009 c11 Snappy Burns
Ah! The cuteness, it's consuming me!
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