Just In
for Our Moments

11/9/2008 c3 HermioneGranger1971
I loved it! I cant wait to hear more! Please keep writing!

Thank you!

=] Ariel
11/2/2008 c2 5snevans78
okay, i decided to sign it so i could add this to my alerts...

anyways, i really like it! and i love how you explained the snape/potins thing. i hate how some people think that snape tutored lily but sh actually sucked @ potions, etc etc. and i also hate how most fanfictions ignore the whole snape/lily thing. i really like how you seem to include that. and i think this is pretty close to something JK could have thought up. good job!

i love LJ and some LS friendship, and pretty much all canon marauder era stuff, but most of it completely ignores sanpe/lily, or makes james a complete idiot who forced lily into their wedding. so anyways, your is a perfect balance of everything! good job. i haven't read a decent LJ in so long...
11/2/2008 c1 penname snevans78 me lazy
sorry, i'm too lazy to sign in...

but that was amazing! really awesome! luv it!
11/1/2008 c2 6hydraspit
This is a wonderful story! I really love the care you've obviously put into crafting each of these moments.

Very nice work. I can't wait to read the next chapter!
11/1/2008 c2 15NobodyCanKnow
OMG! THIS IS BRILLIANT! I'm still grinning like a fool too! I was so excited I squealed more than once reading the chap.! I mean I actually SQUEALED! ;) LOVE IT!
10/26/2008 c1 Firefang111
loved it, almost as good as the actual books
10/26/2008 c1 HermioneGranger1971
=] That was really good, please keep writing!

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