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9/26/2011 c17 Guest
Please update soon!
9/12/2011 c17 1prettypicking
I've read and re read this about four times in total, it's my favourite one I've read on here. Please please please update it soon, if not I actually think I will cry!
8/30/2011 c17 pimentoplane
Really great fic! I read through the whole thing hungrily. It's unique and fluid and I can't wait for an update!
8/27/2011 c17 sacara1
YES PLEASE UPDATE! I LOVE THIS STORY! pleaspleasepleaseplease!
8/25/2011 c17 Ninha Souma

I was reading your fanfic from the Brazilian tranlations but I was so excited that I coldn't wait for more and I came here to tell you that I really do LOVE your story you have a realy good fanfic here and I'm a big fan

Thanks and see you
8/21/2011 c4 5WhiteWaterLilies
I LOVE this fic!I could literally sit nd read this for hours...It;s sweet and FUNNY and this perfect mix of everything! AMAZING AMAZING WORK!
6/22/2011 c17 GoIrish
I really like your story. Your characters are great, it's well written with few errors, and the story is compelling. I actually like the way you've stepped away from the beginning, being more "oneshot" like, and have had your chapters more continuous. I think it lets the readers crave the next chapter more - we become more attached to your characterizations of lily and james and the rest of the crew and your story itself, whereas if they remained random one shots, i dont know how interested i would remain. again, i really enjoyed this and cant wait to see where it goes next. hopefully it wont take too much longer for the next update - i see in the past its taken up to 6 months and right now its only been 1 and a half...but i hope its fairly soon!

one last question -did you wind up finding your old pen name and have it as one of your favorite authors? the ariel3jlp one? i'd love it if you could tell us the answer to this in the next chapter.
6/17/2011 c17 3fermalaquias
I loved this fic!

Really, it's so amazing! u did a great job!

great chapter!

ps - sorry my english... i can read well enough, but my ability to writing English is very lacking.

6/3/2011 c17 2NotFalling.AttackingThe Floor

I just wanted to say how much I love your story and how I can't wait for the next chapter! Please upload soon! I love the Marauders and how you include Peter and Remus a whole load!

I'm away laughing on a fast camel!

Love NotFalling.AttackingTheFloor xx
5/16/2011 c17 Lily-and-James
gahhh! There are no words; I loved it :)
5/16/2011 c17 cole246
love it!
5/16/2011 c17 38liebedance
Another great chapter. I was super excited to get the update for this fic last night; I stayed up until 2:30 reading this chapter! I didn't quite finish until today, though, because my computer blue-screen-of-death-ed.

Anyway - compelling chapter! Really. I liked it a lot. Loved the Lily/James moments, all of the Quidditch. You really can describe Quidditch without it being boring - somehting I always struggle with.

Great chapter ;)
5/16/2011 c17 rocknrowling
I think this is one of the best stories Ive ever read...

The quality of the chapter doesnt compromise on the length of it.

I love how the story is long so it makes it better to read.

You did a great job. Usually im a harshi critic but

Keep up the good work!
5/16/2011 c17 H.P.HasAScar
Thank you for this fantastically long chapter! I must say, and to quote Sirius, "I love when Jenna drags out Evans' dirty laundry." I loved Lily's hidden reams of Quidditch knowledge and her Gryffindor pride in this chapter because, personally, I think JKR hasn't written enough about Quidditch in the books, what with the war and all. xD I love your style of writing and how you portray the characters because it's just like I imagined them. You help me keep Harry Potter alive in my mind. :) Hope you find time to update sooner through all your work, I look forward to your next brilliance. :D
5/16/2011 c17 1redgoldenmist
Really really well written story. I'm so glad the plot hasn't trailed off after they got together. Still laughing about James 'going stag.' Brilliant!
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