Just In
for From Memory

2/6/2009 c4 33lily moonlight
Thanks for the update :) Great to see Danny here! I can see him exactly behaving this way, being all protective, and then of course his Harley making an appearance at the end :D I liked Ellie kind of taking charge at the end too.
11/19/2008 c3 lily moonlight
Flack as 'Doris' XD Very funny, and I did notice the name 'Lily' in there somewhere as well :D Very funny scenes with Danny and Ellie, poor Flack being all responsible and getting criticised for it, but I think he is fairly straight laced over these things. Loved the description at the end of the 'azure sky' very lovely.
11/8/2008 c2 lily moonlight
Poor Don and Ellie, very poignant thoughts that he has been hurt doing his job. This was a very powerful line, 'The hospital gown was a crisp, white veneer to the devastation on his body.' Very descriptive, and I had a vivid image of poor Flack lying there :( Nice bit of interaction between Ellie and Mac, and interesting seeing what Flack's family's reaction might have been. And another great description of Mac at Flack's bedisde as if he was a 'shadowy outline'. Really good.
10/27/2008 c1 lily moonlight
So much to enjoy! Very happy to see a new story from you :) And if my mind is allowed to wander into the shallow end briefly (ahem) there were some nice images of a not very fully clothed Flack being the hero here!

Very exciting; I loved the descriptions at the start, setting the scene of a stormy night, and Ellie's worry about her father, good insight into her character too. And I liked the extra Flack family details such as the new promotion and the house in the suburbs. Loved how you described the newness of things with the 'hint of fresh paint'.

Poor Ellie, and Don with a really terrifying experience with the mafia man. Go Don with his revolver though; great action descriptions!

So of course I'm looking forward to an update!

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