1/24/2021 c23 Guest
Well, shit. I should really just learn my lesson and stop getting invested in fics that haven’t been updated in years, shouldn’t I?
Well, shit. I should really just learn my lesson and stop getting invested in fics that haven’t been updated in years, shouldn’t I?
7/9/2018 c23 1Copper Inkwell
Just spent a good while marathon reading this story. Was totally worth it i loved it. When will i learn my lesson and check when fics were last updated? Probably never. Anyways, if you arent dead and are reading this, then have a good night or morning or whatever.
Just spent a good while marathon reading this story. Was totally worth it i loved it. When will i learn my lesson and check when fics were last updated? Probably never. Anyways, if you arent dead and are reading this, then have a good night or morning or whatever.
7/16/2016 c1 Guest
What is taking so long?! PLEEEEEEEASE Pleeease please continue with the story! It's positively cruel to end a story during a major turning point and never complete it!
What is taking so long?! PLEEEEEEEASE Pleeease please continue with the story! It's positively cruel to end a story during a major turning point and never complete it!
6/23/2016 c23 Lord Limpaticus The Grand
omg i want this story to continue plz continue it, its to good to be left tl die n
omg i want this story to continue plz continue it, its to good to be left tl die n
4/6/2016 c23 Guest
T- this hasn't been updated in five years...?
*cries quietly in the corner*
T- this hasn't been updated in five years...?
*cries quietly in the corner*
5/4/2014 c23 FoodForTheImagination
I can't wait for Dan and Danny to get together! And i wish Sam and Maddie would just go away. :) If you have time. could you update please?
I can't wait for Dan and Danny to get together! And i wish Sam and Maddie would just go away. :) If you have time. could you update please?
1/16/2014 c23 T-Rex10
When are you going to update? Please update soon! I don't want to stop reading this story!
When are you going to update? Please update soon! I don't want to stop reading this story!
1/2/2014 c23 Guest
are you gonna continue this? Please say yes.
I love twin problems! when i saw you did a sequel I almost screamed! and I'm loving this so far! Please continue it, pretty please with sprinkelx on top!
Phatom x fenton forever
are you gonna continue this? Please say yes.
I love twin problems! when i saw you did a sequel I almost screamed! and I'm loving this so far! Please continue it, pretty please with sprinkelx on top!
Phatom x fenton forever
9/14/2013 c23 sexy demon neko ciel
Of you decide to continue this again you should use misery business by paramore
Of you decide to continue this again you should use misery business by paramore
4/18/2013 c23 Guest
I love this story! Hope Dan and Danny get together soon (after getting past Maddie first)
Please update if you ever have the time :)
I love this story! Hope Dan and Danny get together soon (after getting past Maddie first)
Please update if you ever have the time :)
12/19/2012 c23 2NightFury12349
Love this story ! Maddie needs to be smacked upside the head as does 'Sammy.' Gat is so funny. Love the story and cannot wait for another chapter!
Love this story ! Maddie needs to be smacked upside the head as does 'Sammy.' Gat is so funny. Love the story and cannot wait for another chapter!
4/27/2012 c23 RandomNinjaisrandom
I.LOVE.This.Story! Maddie and Sam (a.k.a some of the biggest cock-blocks EVER XD) make me want to hurt something though -.-+
If you love me you will keep updating :3
I.LOVE.This.Story! Maddie and Sam (a.k.a some of the biggest cock-blocks EVER XD) make me want to hurt something though -.-+
If you love me you will keep updating :3