Just In
for Confession Problems!

1/24/2021 c23 Guest
Well, shit. I should really just learn my lesson and stop getting invested in fics that haven’t been updated in years, shouldn’t I?
7/9/2018 c23 1Copper Inkwell
Just spent a good while marathon reading this story. Was totally worth it i loved it. When will i learn my lesson and check when fics were last updated? Probably never. Anyways, if you arent dead and are reading this, then have a good night or morning or whatever.
7/16/2016 c1 Guest
What is taking so long?! PLEEEEEEEASE Pleeease please continue with the story! It's positively cruel to end a story during a major turning point and never complete it!
6/23/2016 c23 Lord Limpaticus The Grand
omg i want this story to continue plz continue it, its to good to be left tl die n
4/6/2016 c23 Guest
T- this hasn't been updated in five years...?

*cries quietly in the corner*
5/30/2014 c23 1KitsuneDango
omfg if someone doesnt confess, i will lose my mind!
5/4/2014 c23 FoodForTheImagination
I can't wait for Dan and Danny to get together! And i wish Sam and Maddie would just go away. :) If you have time. could you update please?
1/16/2014 c23 T-Rex10
When are you going to update? Please update soon! I don't want to stop reading this story!
1/2/2014 c23 Guest
are you gonna continue this? Please say yes.
I love twin problems! when i saw you did a sequel I almost screamed! and I'm loving this so far! Please continue it, pretty please with sprinkelx on top!
Phatom x fenton forever
9/14/2013 c23 sexy demon neko ciel
Of you decide to continue this again you should use misery business by paramore
5/11/2013 c23 KatherineDarkQueenRiddle666
I loved it please update more
4/18/2013 c23 Guest
I love this story! Hope Dan and Danny get together soon (after getting past Maddie first)
Please update if you ever have the time :)
12/19/2012 c23 2NightFury12349
Love this story ! Maddie needs to be smacked upside the head as does 'Sammy.' Gat is so funny. Love the story and cannot wait for another chapter!
6/25/2012 c23 Dark Song 87
Write More please!
4/27/2012 c23 RandomNinjaisrandom
I.LOVE.This.Story! Maddie and Sam (a.k.a some of the biggest cock-blocks EVER XD) make me want to hurt something though -.-+

If you love me you will keep updating :3
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