Just In
for Confession Problems!

1/1/2012 c23 47torikasa
Oh wow, this is such an amazing story! I just love how you portrayed everyone and I love all the characters you made up too! They seem like they're real, canonical characters and flow in the story well. :)

Please update soon! I'm absolutely dying to know what happened next!

~ MM
12/3/2011 c23 AnonymousDannyPhantomFanatic
When are Dan and Danny going to get together already? It's killing me! They're so into each other (and have seen each other naked) but they're still so stubborn about it? Argh! I wanna see them together, soon!
11/11/2011 c23 1Diana Silver
Loving this story so far! Can't wait for the next update!
10/5/2011 c23
This is great please updat again soon...=^-^=
8/7/2011 c23 shadowzelda-43
O_O ...I'm not dreaming, right? * hurts self* Ow and no. So with that I have to say:


Pleeeeaaaaasssssssseeeeee tell me you're gonna stay, cause I still love this story 3 *puppy dog face*
7/28/2011 c20 7PROXY.X2X
P.S, if you go back to the authors note, There IS a god, im sorry but i just HAD to share info, and if you want to keep people reading these stories, i suggest that you should keep religion OUT of them, my lil' sis stopped reading this fic cause of those words, she's weird, i know... and very stupid, but religion sometimes touches peoples heart more than you would expect it to, JUST ADVICE!
7/28/2011 c23 PROXY.X2X
i am SO not a gay person at all or anything, but i came upon this story and actually liked, but you gotta admit, its different from the other stories, what makes it really interesting is the fact that there twins! PLEASE UPDATE VERY SOON!
7/15/2011 c23 3Danny Phantom Phanatic
LOVE THIS STORY! It took me awhile to warm up to read it because it had incest in it(thats wat its called right?) and the first story too. (sorry about not reviewing that one! for some reason it kept saying i already did, and i didn't!) But I gotta say, i feel like slapping myself for not reading this earlier! This story is so fun to read, the diologue is amazing as well as the plot and characters. And Awesome job twisting the characters to fit the plot! I mean, im usually a Danny/Sam fan(tho i LOVE reading any and all kinds of pairings.) but you made Sam out to be the kind of girl you DONT want Danny to be with and made Maddie fit in to her role extremly well! Alot of times ppl will just keep the characters the same and try to put them in a plot like this, and it DOESNT work at all. But yours is just freakin awesome! Also my view on incest has been opened up a lot. I still dont think its exactly right, but now i better realize you cant help you you love and thats all that really matters right? Okay im babbling. Anyway just sayin my thoughts on your story and i really do love it! I hope to see an update soon :D
7/15/2011 c23 32spiritmind675

And aww! They're making up!..? Haha

Ooh...Maddie just got scarier...
7/14/2011 c23 6La Ann
You're back! Awesome ^^

Really liked the latest chapter. Maddie's a real bitch

Seems like your writing has improved, or then I'm imagining things. Which would be nothing new

Don't have much to say, but I hope that you are able to finish this story. With a happy ending ofc
7/11/2011 c23 1ShiningOwl
Well! I had totally forgotten about this great story until I got the notice! It's been almost a fricking YEAR since the last chapter!

And this was another fantastic installment.

...but I think it's dragged on long enough. Really, 23 chapters of off/on, 3 years in the making... CAN THEY JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY? PLEEEEEEASE? :)
7/11/2011 c23 5kingdomheartsforevs

You ARE back! :OOO

Are... are you back for good? W-will you keep updating? ;A;

-can't take no updates for much longer-

7/9/2011 c22 RandomShadow
I LOVE this story, I'm pretty sure if you updated it I would flip out with happiness :) The thought of Danny playing tonsil-hockey with Sam made me feel sick too(Danny would probably feel the same) I'll be checking in for any updates on this!
6/9/2011 c22 7PROXY.X2X
WOW! i L.O.V.E this fanfic, i would be SO happy if you updated because it HAS been a long time since the last time...

Anyway! thanks!
3/26/2011 c22 RandomPersonIsRandom
Great story hun :D I hope you continue this... it's been so long since youve updated.
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