Just In
for Confession Problems!

1/20/2010 c19 5kingdomheartsforevs
... D:


Dude, uh, DUDE, I looked at the, the uh, chapter title thingy-mah-blibber and -

There was no ''!


Please, please, PLEASE write more supah-soon! :D

1/14/2010 c19 32spiritmind675


...he did /not/ just say that did he?



Why are you doing this to me!DX

lol-now that I'm slightly over being dramatic...I lovie as always!3
1/13/2010 c19 alltimeleigh
cant wait for more

another great chapter
1/12/2010 c19 3Echoheart
The Chapter was kinda short but I liked it. I'm glad you updated :3
1/12/2010 c19 1ShiningOwl
aw! dan is adorable!

how much longer are you gonna draw it out? they're DESTINED to be together! (well, duh, you wrote it that way lol)

they just need to spontaneously confess to each other one day. then have someone like, blow up the town to keep it interesting :P

i hope you find some free time to get another chapter out soon!
12/13/2009 c18 12Miko Vampire
I can't wait for the to brothers to get together and tell the mom to back the hell off! I mean come on ( and you should make one of the brothers tell her this) any parent who puts thier own prefrences over the happiness of thier chils is a... well I'll let you finish that. PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
11/18/2009 c18 1fan-fan31
omg, that's so cute! thnx for updating!
11/16/2009 c18 32spiritmind675


Funny cause I was just looking in on this the other day too...


Can't wait for the next!
5/13/2009 c17 spiritmind675


Me likie^^

It's really good.

Darn Sam and Maddie(and Jack for saying there was still a chance*facepalm* Sheesh)

Can't wait to see where this all leads and who hooks up and all!

5/13/2009 c17 1fan-fan31
well, not much going on, but, it's still something! and there can't be some huge action in every chapter! ;D

anyway, that's good, that you added a chappie (hopefully the next one will take less time to upload... but we all have lives, so i understand)
5/11/2009 c15 2ThroughTheRazor
Sry some instead of son
5/11/2009 c16 ThroughTheRazor
Come on all ready make some Rick/Gat chapters and son Dan/Danny chapters. Please:p
4/17/2009 c2 zebrapixie
to obvious indeed :P

aw dan has a low self estem :(

poor dan (hugs)
4/16/2009 c1 zebrapixie
aw its such an emotional start though the begging confused me did i miss something :S

did you write that poem or is it like a real poem that some famous person wrote?
3/22/2009 c16 1fan-fan31
hahaha, the clothes thing is cute. update. i loved it!
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