Just In
for Heaven Sent

11/13/2008 c4 1Leilani-chan
wow, kikyo is a total b*tch
11/9/2008 c4 brookeylynn
great! sorry i didn't review on the last chapter... but it was really good too! keep going! but i really hope bankotsu and kagome get back to traveling together, but i know they will... anyway, great job!
11/9/2008 c4 12WhiteStars
More Kikyo bashing **sighs, sighs
11/9/2008 c3 WhiteStars
I hope Kagome stays
11/9/2008 c4 4Rogue Lumiere Declair
no a week that is so unfair big time but love the chapter very much
11/9/2008 c4 69Tempest78
you're moving too fast with the story. Slow it down a bit. nice chapter though. It helps to re watch the Inuyasha episodes to keep the characters In Character as well:D Hope this helps.
11/9/2008 c4 kouga's older woman
Wow! I never thought it possible but Bankostu is acting more stupid than InuYasha!

Someone needs to put Kikyo out of OUR misery!
11/9/2008 c4 Yuti-Chan
Poor Sango :( But what about Suikotsu, does he love Kikyo? For Kagome had this dream at the beginning of this chapter...
11/9/2008 c4 17NoLongerUsingAccount
Great Chapter! I feel so sorry for Bankotsu! He never was good with feelings..
11/8/2008 c3 Yuti-Chan
Awesome chapter :D But poor Kagome, perhaps she can heal her hands with her miko powers?
11/7/2008 c3 4Rogue Lumiere Declair
love it please update soon and if you really like this couple why don't you go read one of my storys it's called 'destiny is a strang thing' but you don't have to
11/7/2008 c3 17NoLongerUsingAccount
Great Story!
11/7/2008 c3 69Tempest78
cute chapter and nice job:)
11/7/2008 c3 kouga's older woman
Bancotsu better get a hold on himself before he loses her!
11/3/2008 c2 12WhiteStars
okay, I haven't even finished reading it and I think the bashing has gotten worse

Great chapter so far though

I'm going to finish reading all of it now

update soon
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