Just In
for Heaven Sent

5/22/2009 c13 3Cactus Wrynn
KYAA! i can hardly wait for the next chappy!
4/30/2009 c13 12WhiteStars
Welcome back! This is my favorite chapter of the whole story. It was funny how you put Kagome scared the trees with her yeling. And Jakotsu saving Sango? That was unexpected. I thought it would be Inuyasha. I love this story. Write more soon.
4/30/2009 c13 kouga's older woman
She still hasn't told Bank about Hiten
4/30/2009 c13 69Tempest78
You're welcome hon and I hope Brooke is okay.
4/30/2009 c13 1Ace24
Nice sis, I'm gonna make one too, but not inuyasha...

4/30/2009 c13 19Xx-Filipino-Fury-xX
Nice chapter :] keep up the good work!

4/30/2009 c13 White Princess Kia
Great! Update soon I love It!
4/30/2009 c13 blue martini
cool , I've missed this,...

since i thought u died, i moved to the vampire knight categ.

thanks 4 updating, will u finish this?
4/30/2009 c13 Yuti-Chan
Awesome chapter, thanks for updating :D
2/10/2009 c12 Smiles
1/31/2009 c12 random
God he is being a pain! I hope hiten makes him really jealous! This is great! Fantastic chapter!
1/16/2009 c12 3Rukisa
i love this story! its the first time i've seen this couple and i think they all suit each other ^-^ plz update soon cant w8 :D

Ja Ne Kisa x
1/13/2009 c12 12WhiteStars
I loved it

I liked how Hiten got jealous after thinking that Kagome and Bankotsu were sleeping together. And will you really write up to 20 chapters? I hope so.
1/13/2009 c12 69Tempest78
nice chap and welcome back to Brooke:)
1/13/2009 c12 7Myra the Dovahkiin
great story. keep writing. update soon. I can't wait to read more!
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