Just In
for Heaven Sent

1/13/2009 c12 kouga's older woman
SAVE SANGO! Miroku has lost it!

Can't wait for more of the 3 way relationship and what would happen if InuYasha showed up?
1/13/2009 c12 Yuti-Chan
What will Kagome say now? He's really a fool, they love each other and he says such ridiculous things... But great new chapter ^^
1/11/2009 c11 Random
Keep going its awesome! :)
1/5/2009 c1 poppypants
You know what...?





Please keep up with your story.

I love it. (yn)

Kagome pairings are the best.

I love them.

And this is my first time reading something with Hiten in it, and I'm loving it.

I'm targetting HitenKagome now. n_n

Seems like an awesome pairing.
12/24/2008 c11 12WhiteStars
I'm soo glad Kagome forgave him

And I guess this is a Hitenxkagomexbankotsu story now

Its the first time i've ever read something like this

Sorry for being late in reviewing

But atleast I did

And I hope you can be the 100th reviewer in Bankotsu Kagome Bankotsu

Merry Christmas!
12/23/2008 c11 Midnightfox45
I love this story so far! and personally i really think you should turn this into a kagsxhiten because it`s really cute were your going wiht their coupling, but that my opinion! LOL. Update as soon as possible! ``hugs you``
12/23/2008 c11 kouga's older woman
I like the idea of them competing for her and maybe Hiten not really trying to remove the mark. Even though I love Bank, unless they form a3 way coupling,I'm afraid he has to lose because of his past treatment of her, mind you,I am not really against the 3 way idea.

Someway tokeep her alive has to be found first and I think she needstobe honest with Bank about the mark,
12/22/2008 c11 random
Freakin awesome chapter!
12/22/2008 c11 White Princess Kia
Hot chapter, whats it gonna be? HitenKags or bankag, i seriously have no idea on what it should be, ur the author! you decide! lol! so do us all a favor and UPDATE!
12/22/2008 c11 blue martini
oh god! it's not banKag anymore? it's banKagHiten? omegawd! which pairing? gods, love triangles are soo exciting!
12/22/2008 c11 1dangitsesshomaru
oh shit! DAMN that was one HOT chapter lol. Man, now im starting to think kagome and Hiten should bang lol. HM... who is a better fuck buddy for Kagome lol.. Bankotsu...or Hiten? haha. thnx for updating the fic! it was AWeSOME!
12/22/2008 c11 4Rogue Lumiere Declair
i cant chose bankotsu or hiten so surpise me kk and love it very much
12/22/2008 c11 kittyb78
good job:D
12/22/2008 c11 7Myra the Dovahkiin
great story. keep writing. update soon. Love the BanKagHiten!
12/22/2008 c11 brookeylynn
too lazy to sign in...z... why the hell do they make you wait 3 days anyway, like wtf? anyway, great as always!
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