Just In
for Heaven Sent

12/11/2008 c9 Naomi Princess
Omg! I love this story! Can't wait for you to update! ;)

-TXgirl/naomi princess
12/9/2008 c9 Jessica-san45
OMG! is Hiten my long lost brother or something? he said about 95% of the same things i say to my friends when im laughing! LOL! oh and i wonder what will happen when kags and the schichinintai most likely find each other in Arashiyama! Can`t wait for next chapter! -jumps out of excitment- oh and i only brused my tailbone by falling off my chair. so no harm done! -hugs back-

bye bye!
12/8/2008 c9 NekoKittyGirl
Hmm, I've never heard any kind of song like the one you used... did you make up those lyrics? WOW UR SO COOL! I LOVE YOU! I live in the UK so I don't know too much normal music... but I like this song! And finally, what I've been waiting to say for like ever, UPDATE SOON PLEASE!
12/8/2008 c8 NekoKittyGirl
Wow! This was a good chappy! But I've never seen Vampire Knight before? I bet it's about vampires, ne? I don't like the things! Well, u know, besides Twilight.
12/8/2008 c7 NekoKittyGirl
12/8/2008 c6 NekoKittyGirl
Wow! this story so just gets better and better!
12/8/2008 c5 NekoKittyGirl
AW! Poor kitty! I love Kirara (I like kitties!) But that's k! I'm sure she'll survive through it! Kirara will always be loyal to Sango!
12/8/2008 c4 NekoKittyGirl
Ome! (Oh my Edward! jkjk) This is so good! I like how you added some Sango and Miroku in there too!
12/8/2008 c3 NekoKittyGirl
Guilt! Omg, he so should! lol, good job!
12/8/2008 c2 NekoKittyGirl
Amazing! It's so filled with DRAMA!
12/8/2008 c1 Nekokittygirl
OMg! THis is like THE best story eva! Love it SO much! I can't wait to read the next chapter!
12/7/2008 c9 DemiSoda
hi! i just wanted to review! and to tell u that ur story is very interesting! poor Kagome! update soon!
12/7/2008 c9 2brookeylynn
I Loved this Chappy! I also Love Hiten! Hope he comes back! and can't wait till ARishiyama (think that's how you spell it) good name for a village by the way!
12/6/2008 c9 Yuti-Chan
Poor Kagome, only two month to live :( I hope Bankotsu will find her soon...
12/6/2008 c9 kaggie
wonderful! update soon!
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