Just In
for The Ladies Are Dirty

11/24/2008 c2 33lily moonlight
Great chapter, sorry this is a little late, I have been up and down the country this weekend! Really enjoyed this one. Loved Sid's rather gruesome autopsy at the beginning, and I was certainly feeling sorry for the vic, oh, and I loved Adam's little joke, going over Hawkes's head, that made me smile :D

So Flack knows the two women? Interesting. I'm looking forward to your update and how this continues.
11/13/2008 c1 1CSILUVR
Wow! This is really good so far! keep up the great writing
11/5/2008 c1 33lily moonlight
Well, I guess it wouldn't be a CSI story without a little bit of gore XD Great opening chapter, I loved all the descriptions at the beginning, really evoked the atmosphere and the surroundings. I loved Don doing his thing :D Nicely gruesome and mysterious murder too, you have me intrigued! The final scene was very interesting, you've got some great characters, and I loved how you wrote the two women, Lily and Eleanor (Lily is such a good name XD). I'm wondering very much about them and how they're connected. Hope you can update soon!
11/4/2008 c1 19thealycat
This is a great beginning! Awesome how you incorporated Baba O

Riley into this! Can't wait for more!

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