5/22/2019 c10 BlueEyedBrigadier
Utter brilliance...that's really all I have to say about this. Though Kaylee being an incubator for hundreds of maggots really was an image I didn't need to have...
Utter brilliance...that's really all I have to say about this. Though Kaylee being an incubator for hundreds of maggots really was an image I didn't need to have...
5/5/2016 c10 Oldenuff2knowbetter
I think this could have been on my top ten list favourite episodes if we were given our 2nd season. I'm not sure if Zoe would have actually opened her robe, that would be a step too far but I liked the jokevery firefly. i loved the dynamic between Mal and Zoe being tested over Jayne l think he's something they would definitely have words about. thanks for that. x
I think this could have been on my top ten list favourite episodes if we were given our 2nd season. I'm not sure if Zoe would have actually opened her robe, that would be a step too far but I liked the jokevery firefly. i loved the dynamic between Mal and Zoe being tested over Jayne l think he's something they would definitely have words about. thanks for that. x
9/18/2012 c9 Guest
Great flash of backstory there. I love how the town officials actually accept the explanation without changing the course.
Great flash of backstory there. I love how the town officials actually accept the explanation without changing the course.
9/18/2012 c8 Guest
Kaylee and Wash, huh? Awesome.
Kaylee and Wash, huh? Awesome.
9/18/2012 c6 Guest
Still grossly fascinated. Autopsy. Don't see that every day. Also love River's dalliance.
Still grossly fascinated. Autopsy. Don't see that every day. Also love River's dalliance.
9/18/2012 c3
Oh ew, parasites, good lord! Gag. Sort of car accident fascinating though. And I love both Jane's little local minx and his reaction to Kaylee's situation.

Oh ew, parasites, good lord! Gag. Sort of car accident fascinating though. And I love both Jane's little local minx and his reaction to Kaylee's situation.
4/14/2011 c10 JustLikeToRead
Great story! Thanks for not killing Jayne. I had to peek at the end to make sure before reading - I'm like that. :)
Maybe I'm just tired, but although I've read it through several times, I'm still feeling lost about this part at the end of Chapter 10:
Mal took a sip from his mug to keep from choking as he maintained the effort to talk, laugh and eat simultaneously. "I know the womenfolk accuse us of being led around by the {dangly piece of meat} zhandou de yi kuai rou, but damn, Jayne, don't you even get a vote?"
Another wave of laughter crested and Jayne swatted it down with his hand. Everyone quieted a little to listen. Jayne spoke with a gravely hoarseness that wore off a bit more each day, "I ain't tumbled Wash yet."
Tittering and eating simultaneously caught up with Inara too, who coughed around a dainty morsel of bread. Mal patted her back, his hand lingering warmly between her shoulders. All eyes turned to Wash, who sat looking something between horrified and dejected. "You said it was special, you said I was the only one!" Sobbing dramatically, fists over his eyes, Wash turned against his wife's shoulder.
Great story! Thanks for not killing Jayne. I had to peek at the end to make sure before reading - I'm like that. :)
Maybe I'm just tired, but although I've read it through several times, I'm still feeling lost about this part at the end of Chapter 10:
Mal took a sip from his mug to keep from choking as he maintained the effort to talk, laugh and eat simultaneously. "I know the womenfolk accuse us of being led around by the {dangly piece of meat} zhandou de yi kuai rou, but damn, Jayne, don't you even get a vote?"
Another wave of laughter crested and Jayne swatted it down with his hand. Everyone quieted a little to listen. Jayne spoke with a gravely hoarseness that wore off a bit more each day, "I ain't tumbled Wash yet."
Tittering and eating simultaneously caught up with Inara too, who coughed around a dainty morsel of bread. Mal patted her back, his hand lingering warmly between her shoulders. All eyes turned to Wash, who sat looking something between horrified and dejected. "You said it was special, you said I was the only one!" Sobbing dramatically, fists over his eyes, Wash turned against his wife's shoulder.
6/15/2010 c9 knownaliases
love the discourse between Zoe and Simon.
dumb as a wooden chicken - lol!
i'm certain Jayne will survive but you've done a good job creating suspense here...
love the discourse between Zoe and Simon.
dumb as a wooden chicken - lol!
i'm certain Jayne will survive but you've done a good job creating suspense here...
6/15/2010 c8 knownaliases
awwww sweet prayer. i heart Jayne!
and kaylee and wash - completely believable but does Zoe know?
awwww sweet prayer. i heart Jayne!
and kaylee and wash - completely believable but does Zoe know?
6/15/2010 c7 knownaliases
MAGNIFICENT! your attention to detail is outstanding - to say the very least about this chapter. hot damn - this a fantastic story!
MAGNIFICENT! your attention to detail is outstanding - to say the very least about this chapter. hot damn - this a fantastic story!
6/14/2010 c6 knownaliases
your words are serious yet mellifluous - the perfect combination.
i prefer an asexual River but with your words driving her romance with Jin - i'll take her any way you write her. golden and glorious indeed.
your words are serious yet mellifluous - the perfect combination.
i prefer an asexual River but with your words driving her romance with Jin - i'll take her any way you write her. golden and glorious indeed.
6/14/2010 c5 knownaliases
fantastic fight scene - it unfolded right before my eyes. i love great writing!
fantastic fight scene - it unfolded right before my eyes. i love great writing!