Just In
for Tangerine

6/27/2022 c6 that-basket-case
Hope you'll finish this story someday
3/18/2020 c6 Yuy
Oh my god pleaseeee finsh this alreadyyy
1/11/2015 c1 Guest
You do realize you asked people not to hold your political points against you and then said, "don't read my stories if you wanted McCain"... Mmmk.
12/9/2012 c6 Rebelious Teen Of Irony
Please update soon I wanna know what happens
12/31/2011 c6 person
Plz hurry its incredibly suspenseful
12/30/2011 c6 person
I love your writing keep it up
2/8/2010 c6 moonchild3015
i love your story! it's like angsty but its also really cute and funny. please update soon.
10/8/2009 c5 GanjaPanda
I love, love, love this story. It's been awhile since you updated, so you probably won't ocntinue, but even on its own this is wonderful. so descriptive, and the characterization is right on spot
7/19/2009 c3 thewafflebitch
awesome! it's so sweet
7/19/2009 c2 thewafflebitch
love it very sad i love the song too
3/18/2009 c5 3musingsandmisunderstandings
i'm in love with this story and i can't wait for you to update. your doing a great job. this is another one of the Hyde and Jackie stories i've read that helps erase the nightmare that was season 8 from my memories :)
2/17/2009 c3 DeeJ22
I'm hooked.. Great story
2/16/2009 c5 1uckc
Wonderful chapter. I am hanging on to the hope that Hyde and Jackie can work things out now that they've had a break from each other. They pbviously still care a lot about each other...
2/16/2009 c2 uckc
You did an amazing job on this chapter. When I was reading it my eyes filled with tears as Jackie opened Hyde's gift.
1/9/2009 c6 roxy
I so hope you do not have jackie cheat on Julian because he would never do that.
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