Just In
for A Hundred Ways

4/25/2013 c1 Narges
:D I had fun reading this. It was sooo Edward.
4/17/2011 c1 BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope
A great story. Very well written.
7/30/2010 c1 DarkBitch08
Cute. =]
1/2/2010 c1 carol
hahahahaha! that last thing was way too funny! 'A Hundred Ways To Kill Jacob Black' i mean, come on! that statement has 'Edward' written all over it! thanks for the laugh!
10/31/2009 c1 amiesuzie
That was so sweet and funny - just how I pictured Edward and Nessie's relationship would be - especially regarding Jake.
10/19/2009 c1 17-4ever
Lol, really funny. Wish he would do one from the list, but oh well...
7/14/2009 c1 Gone Gone Very Gone
Why won't nessie let edward have his fun?

6/2/2009 c1 10ZanessaLover247
This is an amazing story!

I absolutly love it! :)

Great idea with the "100 ways to kill jacob black" :)

I've been writing a story about the jacob and renesme dating issue - and the way Edward takes it all in too. :) :)

Anyways - 5 stars! :P

- allie
5/25/2009 c1 63hippogriff-tamer
I enjoyed that!
12/15/2008 c1 4LizzieAliceBlack
lol thats so funny.what was number 53?
12/8/2008 c1 Carlysaurus

That's all I can say.
11/29/2008 c1 alisa231
Aw, that was so sweet. Poor Edward!
11/7/2008 c1 shayla
halarious, wish you would post the hundred ways to kill jacob just to see how creative edward really is
11/7/2008 c1 5Countess Rivers
Aw! Cute! And like Edward can talk. Wasn't Bella 18? But then we'll forgive him anything. And as for killing Jake, well I'd like to help (just a little *giggle)
11/6/2008 c1 Dezi-Ray121
I loved it it was creative and funny. but im like nessie i love jacob!
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