Just In
for One of the Guys

11/20/2008 c6 7edwardandbellabelong2gether
LOVE the chapter!
11/19/2008 c6 3Eddielover101
oh girl that was hotT! if i do say so myself

i loved it

Edward is awsome

omg the movie its almost here

update soon


11/19/2008 c6 3piratehannelore
Muahahah. Thanks for the shout out! I love how Emmett believe's he's in love now. Thats my kind of guy. lol.
11/19/2008 c6 8teambellaedward
omg that was the bomb
11/19/2008 c6 Lead69
Can any drunk male resist stripping to that Rod Stewart song? Doesn’t matter what country you live in, males can’t help but get their freak on.

An intoxicated DTE, where can I get me one of those, super sweet and sexy.

Off to the workplace (adjoining offices oh the possibilities) I am glad to see they are taking work seriously and preparing themselves in a united front for this imminent meeting.

You tease, what was Edward going to say, such an intimate embrace it had to be important. I know, I know good things come to those who wait.

What seed have I planted? I am really looking forward to the next chapter.
11/18/2008 c5 10Spoollee
AWESOME! Update soon!
11/18/2008 c5 Lead69
Emmett did he get punished enough, no but I am sure Rosalie will take care of that. Loved the Bella/Rosalie dance - HOT, although I did find myself waiting for Alice to join in too, you know a little something for Jasper.
11/17/2008 c5 8teambellaedward
So cool can’t wait for next update
11/17/2008 c5 7edwardandbellabelong2gether
Great chapter. Loved how Bella was jealous. And I liked that she pushed James towards Victoria.
11/17/2008 c5 2Rennesme
love it! go bella! can't wait for the next chapter!
11/17/2008 c5 3piratehannelore
Yes! Rose will make Emmett her bitch! Epic! lol. Great update. Waiting impatiently for the next. lol. Cheers!
11/17/2008 c5 4GetDrunkOnVictory
Bella's funny. :) One guy down, one to go. I really hope Edward does something soon, or Bella realizes she wants more from Edward. Great chapter, really funny. :D
11/17/2008 c5 australianvamp
please give us 2 LEMONS!

i am a devoted reader and i believe I deserve two lemons
11/17/2008 c5 AliciaCullen1901
Well at least Victoria has someone now..
11/17/2008 c5 Edward is my only love
Loved the chapters
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