Just In
for One of the Guys

11/17/2008 c5 twilightmom67
Oh my, the boys didn't know what hit them when Bella was dancing with Rose!
11/17/2008 c5 stephthebubblypixie
OMG this chapter was hilarious.
11/17/2008 c4 4GetDrunkOnVictory
I hope the girl Rose and Alice walked in with will go for Jake, then no worries for Edward. Great chapter, can't wait for more.
11/17/2008 c4 AliciaCullen1901
Great chapter!
11/17/2008 c4 Cindylee99
11/17/2008 c4 Lorinstarr
11/17/2008 c4 7edwardandbellabelong2gether
Great chapter. Emmett is hilarious as always!
11/16/2008 c4 Linds14
haha I love Emmett and his crazy antics...the costume thing was great!
11/16/2008 c4 3piratehannelore
Yes, I like this. I can't wait for Operation Make Emmett Rosalie's Bitch to commence. Yes, I know thats not what you called it, but come on. That's what Emmett is. Cheers! :D
11/16/2008 c4 Lead69
You do know I’m not going to be able to stop the smile when I go into change rooms now.

The Weather Girls and then onto the Wizard of Oz, Bell-orthy. Looking forward to finding out what Rose and Alice are dressed as.

Love your super confident Bella, she is so much fun to read, I hope the introduction of Rosalie and Alice is going to be just as entertaining; who could be the third girl?

Bring on O.G.E.B.
11/16/2008 c4 2Rennesme
ow nice..i'm waiting for the rest, Emmet needs a taste of his own game :o)..great story so far i can't wait for the rest
11/16/2008 c4 jencrane
I love this story! Edward and Bella in the dressing room was hot! Please update soon, you are doing a really good job with the story.
11/16/2008 c4 2Vi0lentSerenity
i am so relieved she is sticking with the single fuck buddy. seriously. I normally love angst but in terms of fuck buddies, it just gives me ulcers haha

this was a great chapter. im so happy alice and rose are now here.
11/16/2008 c4 2chelseapeeler
Who's the other girl is what I want to know? Great chapter! Loved the dressing room scene! Update soon!
11/15/2008 c3 stephthebubblypixie
I like this story its funny! I liked the lemon it was good.
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