Just In
for One of the Guys

5/4/2009 c4 JasmineMarie84
Emmett sure chose a great time to call. LOL I love his concern for her foot though, he's a sweetheart.

Ooh! Alice and Rose. :)

LOL @ Bella's reaction to her outfit, or lack there of. Poor Bella.

Ooh, jealous Edward. I'm glad Jake is so understanding.
5/4/2009 c3 JasmineMarie84
LMAO @ Hungover Bella thinking her stomach grew an arm.

Poor Edward getting pushed out of bed. LOL

Damn, that lemon was hot. Very impressive for your first.

Aw, I loved their talk, it went very well.
5/4/2009 c2 JasmineMarie84
Emmett definitely is priceless. LOL

LOL @ Emmett and Bella's 'carpet' conversation.

“Well, since you can hear. I’ll give you a little shout out next time. Something like ‘oh yes…right there….harder….hey Eddie…faster’.” LMAO Poor Edward.

Aw, I love that Edward takes such good care of her.

Ooh, sexytime..LOL
5/4/2009 c1 JasmineMarie84
I love hungover Bella, she is hilarious.

Aw the guys are such sweethearts to her.

Emmett, love him.

Aww poor Edward. LOL
4/17/2009 c12 pavlovsbell11
Emmett was hilarious this chapter, he's so loveable.:)
4/17/2009 c11 pavlovsbell11
I love Truth or Dare! Not just cuz of the sexy times, but because all of them are together. Jasper was so cute.
4/17/2009 c10 pavlovsbell11
I love fluff, this is all so adorable. And Bella's Lullaby.:) Cute. And sure, I'd go for a fruit salad.;) I'm going to check right now.;)
4/17/2009 c9 pavlovsbell11
Yayayayay! Of course she loves him too! It was about time she figured it out.;)
4/17/2009 c8 pavlovsbell11
Oh, so cute! I love that Jazzy and Em already knew what was going on with Eddie. They are so smart.;) Can't wait to see what happens next!
4/17/2009 c6 pavlovsbell11
Did I review the last chapter? I can't remember (my memory is so fucking bad) so I'll just review this one. It was awesome, as usual. Sometimes I feel like Eddie's dirty talk is a tad too dirty (not really my thing) but his sexyness makes up for it;). And yaay, some Alice/Rosalie/Bella! Yes, that I DO like. I'm weird like that.;) Anyway, another awesome chapter!
4/17/2009 c4 pavlovsbell11
Yaay, Alice and Rosalie! But my god, Alice gets crazier in every story I read about her. It's amazing.;)
4/17/2009 c3 pavlovsbell11
It didn't suck at all! Don't worry.:) But honestly, Eddie is being rather stupid. Doesn't he want more than just to be 'a fuckbuddy'? Ah well, who knows what will happen one day.^^ Great story so far!
4/17/2009 c1 pavlovsbell11
I like it! I'm already in love with Bella-post-drunk.;) Can't wait to see what happens with her and Eddie.;)
4/11/2009 c12 wack-e-nurse
i really like this story so update it soon and let me what happens to bella and edward and the rest of the gang too.
3/31/2009 c12 8AnUnbrokenHorse aka RushtonElf
Short chapters are ok... just as long as they are written by you!

Great story so far :)
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