Just In
for What happened

5/15/2009 c4 36saturn567
wow everything is so strange!
11/26/2008 c1 5infinitelyxyours
Very well written so far. I've seen that movie, and it was a very good one. I can't wait to see where your story's gunna go. Check out mine, too, and tell me what you think. It's called The Dangerous Game. I really look forward to your next update! Make it soon!
11/14/2008 c1 50elliemuze
Please continue! I love these kind of fics! And yours seems to be uncharicteristically well-written - which is great! It's a burden to love these sort of fanworks, because usually it seems they've been written by a 12 year old, lol.

So glad that this one appears intelligent and well-composed. I saw the movie as well. I don't scare easily - not at all, really - but THAT film... scared the crap outta me. Probably because it felt so real... and possible. lol

Again, continue on! Great so far!

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