Just In
for Charity and Mistletoe

7/10/2016 c1 8xMousex
I wish you added more parts where they spoke to each other!

But other than that, I loved it! Sakura's so lucky! Hehe.
3/19/2013 c1 pandora-88
I love...
10/3/2010 c1 6virgointhestars
Loved this! Awesome job! Well done~!
6/26/2010 c1 Mistuki Sakura Uchiha
ya u suck at writing un bitch...
8/21/2009 c1 pilpols
AW !
1/3/2009 c1 13Okuyukashii
Aw, so sweet. This is actually my second time reading this. I skimmed the author's note and saw Akatsuki Sunday and thought to myself "Hey, I read that." And when I see a list of names, I usually skip it. But I saw my name this time. Like, wow. Anyways, I like this little oneshot, great job :D
12/29/2008 c1 14mewantpancake
Aw so sweet i love this and how she was the prize ^^
11/30/2008 c1 13xxbochixx
OMG, awesome Deisaku fluff! I love this! :D
11/29/2008 c1 RandomNaruLuver666
aw that was a cute story i liked it! if you ask me (which i know no one did) this story needs more reviews! there is something wrong with these people haha x] i cant wait till christmas! happy holidays :]
11/26/2008 c1 Elanwye
I dont know why no one reviews your stories often, every one of them is interesting! with a little humor each time.

This one was sweet! :D

I would die from entering deidaras awesome penthouse!

please add more stories ^o^

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