Just In
for Elaborate Seduction

1/12/2022 c1 Guest
Wow I really always been suspicious of these three he hehehe they really could get away with a secret triangle I guess it's sometimes Sasusakunaru
10/8/2017 c1 A person
Really? A cliffhangar?
5/11/2016 c1 3MickeyThePal
7/25/2014 c1 3GreenQueen15
This was...amazing! To say the least. You are a genius! Thank you so much for this!
4/21/2012 c1 kiranomemomim
Great description skills! I'm not sure Naruto would be cool with sharing Sakura but you made it work. Well done, author, well done. xD
11/25/2011 c1 2Princess Of Souls
8/26/2011 c1 276darkknightsrevenge
Hahaha! Of course Naruto had a plan to get into Sakura-chan's pants! Hilarious :D
8/12/2011 c1 3TheLavenderHippie
Sakura, that lucky bitch .

Lol I love Sakura, and in usually a SasuSaku/NaruHina fan but these three together is just HOT HOT HOT! Naughty boys taking advantage of Sakura's weakness... I like it -evil snicker-

Great oneshot, I feel hot now o/o
5/1/2011 c1 SasuNarualltheway
Haha Nice. I liked it!
7/18/2010 c1 alanasometimes
2/16/2010 c1 36Kairauchiha
Sweet baby! Keep it up. Great plan from Naruto. :D
11/15/2009 c1 HemaCookies
Great pwp i think these r da only 3 from naruto i can c havin a threesome maybe u can make it a 4some n add kakashi n make it like a series of lemon. Dat' ll b awsome.
8/20/2009 c1 7CYRA1104
Beautiful! Keep up the good work! X"
7/19/2009 c1 6J'ecris
This was a really good oneshot. I like it. Finally, Team 7 action! Woohoo to threesomes! XD
5/21/2009 c1 10DarkLillyOfTheNight96

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