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12/26/2021 c1 HoneyBear84
Loved it
11/18/2017 c1 JimChou
That was nice. We don't often get to see it from Stan's POV. Tony is always insecure and doesn't think Gibbs sees something special in him so it was good that Stan talked to him.
I found it weird on the show how Ducky and Abby spoke so highly and lovingly about Stan in front of Tony. Especially OOC for Ducky. And Gibbs showing such open friendlyness was very OOC too.
Was good when we got to the part on the episode when Stan says he felt sometimes ill when working for Gibbs and Gibbs stared at him when he held him by the arm. Too bad Tony wasn't there to witness that part.
Good job on your take on the episode here. Thanks.
1/29/2017 c1 6BooksAreMedicine
Good point about Tony not noticing how differently Gibbs treats him
1/20/2016 c1 1bjq
4/25/2015 c1 31flower pot girl
I like the perspective and the way you express Stan's thoughts.
11/9/2013 c1 Guest
i like
7/10/2013 c1 63binkeybella
just found this sweet little one shot. I have to admit that I never thought of it from Stan's POV, just Tony's childish jealousy of the former SFA. But really, every point you made was true, and maybe Tony DOES take it for granted that he has such leeway with his boss. Thanks for writing and posting!
11/4/2012 c1 6Niwaki
well the review button is no longer green but luckily I found it anyway!

this is great though I would really like o see Gibb's thoughts when Tony meets Stan and their jealouxi lol
9/19/2012 c1 debbie
I really like this story. To see Tony and Gibbs thru Stan eye's is a great idea. Hope you have more.
9/2/2012 c1 FireAngel5683
Its because he has Gibbs six. And they ultimately trust each other no matter what.
7/24/2012 c1 13Jade Oneill
I thought this was a really good story. It was nice to have it from Stan's point of view.
5/20/2012 c1 Long Live BRUCAS

Only Tony would do that To watch and then be able to go to the movies. And I think he did on the show stay up over the weekend for a movie marathon.

Then to top it off choked on an apple piece that Gibbs GAVE HIM TO EAT.

Hope you do more stories.
7/23/2011 c1 122Gage39
Do one about Ziva's thoughts on Tony. Good story by the way.
6/19/2011 c1 66Agent Malkere
I love this type of story - a minor/side character ruminating on and speculating about a main character. Great writing! I would love to see Stan's reaction if he were to fine out that Tony has now outlasted his previous record of five years (and I think Tim has now, too).

Awesome story!

~Agent Malkere
4/24/2011 c1 Miso Muchi's like every single story is awesome.
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