Just In
for Reclaim The Line

2/7/2016 c1 57Blue Wolf2
I wish we had gotten something like this on the show.
1/9/2010 c1 Nat
Wow, you are one of the few people on this site that has an idea of what could actualy happen and what is incredibly ridiculous, I like it and yu don't copy from actual NCIS episodes like a lot of other people. Very well-written and best TIVA fanfic I have ever read
11/9/2009 c1 37brightblue
Wow! Amazing! How did I not find this until now? A perfect continuation of Cloak and all the tension and uncertainty running through season 6 and onward... You captured Ziva's mind exactly, I many great lines here, but I think this is my favorite: "Tony was easy to read, except when he wasn’t." So much brilliance here. Fantastic job. I hope you write more! :)
2/4/2009 c1 Audrey302
You're writing NCIS fic! Woo! I started getting attached to the show a few weeks ago (Oh USA network reruns), and I adore Ziva.

I thought this was excellent; you show a good grasp of characterization and I love how Tony and Ziva dance around one another, that they both have no idea what they're doing. It seems like one is always interested at the wrong time and they can't get it together, though I'm interested about how this will play out in the season.

Are you planning on writing more fic? I think you should; there's a dearth of great NCIS fic and I'd love to read more. Hope you're doing well!

And I know you aren't planning on continuing Bad Deposit, but I'd love to know what your plans were for that story. I've been away from fandom for a while (health issues), and losing interest in Bones particularly. It's becoming rather goofy, to me.
1/20/2009 c1 addowell
I'm all for the endorphin thing! LOL! Well written. Definately a plus keeping them in character with the show!
12/1/2008 c1 14Silvergrass
oahw your replay of the events was very fitting, sharp & right.
11/29/2008 c1 BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope
A great story. Very good.
11/29/2008 c1 8holikimaela
Nice banter and drunk!Tony. Veyr nice! A bit sloshed indeed.
11/25/2008 c1 JohnClark43
That was actually quite good, I love angsty Tiva writtings and theres never enough of it so please feel free to experiment more in this fashion with these characters.

There were a few typos but the only one that bugged me was your use of squadron, mostly cause it was repeated. Squadron is a group of something like planes or ships, squad room is the room where a team or group meets. So when Ziva's talking about being back at NCIS she means the squadroom, altho you could just right it off as a Ziva-ism.
11/23/2008 c1 30sara fenix black
Oh, alguien que escribe de NCIS a quien puedo escribir en español! Lo entiendes verdad? Uruguay, "el fin"...

¡Me ha gustado! Es tan angsty que hasta siendo el nudo en la garganta, esa barrera entre ellos que no quieren cruzar pero a la vez si, la tensión en su apartamento, la referencia a toda la relación que tienen fuera del trabajo, las bromas de Tony, todo muy muy muy bien elaborado.

¡Me ha gustado muchisimo!
11/23/2008 c1 ghlover8907
i liked it i would also like another chapter lol. plus i liked your little note at the bottom lol
11/22/2008 c1 Kat
It was good , really good. this couple is a handful and I appreciate you not losing your patience and resorting to the fairy-land of teary-eyed mush.
11/21/2008 c1 Cavaliergal88
That was good! Im a sucker for anthing Tiva and not school related!
11/21/2008 c1 5Musiclover14
Very good story. Well written and you seemed to keep them in character. I enjoyed it very much. Your grammer seemed fine the only thing was it's called the squadroom not the squadron at least that's what I call it. Who knows maybe I'm the one who's messed up. Haha anyway good story :)
11/21/2008 c1 27greeny-blue lights
okay..i am generating endorphins...anyway, i loved it, so it was fantastic!
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