Just In
for Love is Dead

11/25/2008 c3 3blondieluver612
loves it! its awesome love the covenant.twilight thing :D lol update soon!
11/25/2008 c3 6Evil Bunny of Death
I seriously falied my arms around a bit when you updated I was soo happy!
11/25/2008 c3 TWD
more more more more love love love love love
11/24/2008 c2 Evil Bunny of Death
I really like this story so far! Please update soon!
11/24/2008 c2 2avidswimmer09
oh update!
11/24/2008 c2 Mrs Bass-Malfoy
Guess what? Its still brilliant =]

Post more a.s.a.p!

11/24/2008 c2 1orphantom
Yay! another chappy!

oh, i loved this one!

I cant wait until the Cullens arrive, and the boys find out that she is a vamp.. AH i CANT WAIT! lol.


Great chapter, update Soon!
11/24/2008 c2 4Sarcastic Irony
I love it, Skylar and Pogue's parents seem like jerks but hey it works and makes the story more interesting lol. Wow the Cullens in Ipswich is Bella moving with them?
11/24/2008 c2 22andyourbeautifuleyes
omg.. that was really good, can't to
11/24/2008 c2 Alana Xavier1
wow loving this keep up the good work
11/24/2008 c2 getl0st
Better improvement here, although first chapters do tend to give you a certain amount of patience for the next upcoming chapters. To be honest, I actually like Skylar's point of view and how she views Tyler as Baby Boy and Reid as "hotter then the last time I saw him". Loving the story so far! Update again soon!
11/24/2008 c1 getl0st
Good opening, although the underlining was a little annoying to cope with. Nevertheless, this looks somewhat promising.
11/23/2008 c2 JENJEN87
yay that was good. i can't wait for the next chapter. i can't wait for her to reveal that she is a vampire and to see their reactions to realize that she is truely dead.
11/23/2008 c2 ILuvOdie
o the whole family is here! "where are family..." lol. i wonder wat the boys r gonna say. lol. is the other ppl going to skool too? oo cant wait XD lol.
11/23/2008 c2 TWD
more more more more more love love love
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