Just In
for Dreams that will destroy

6/17/2011 c3 22azab
great job
3/18/2009 c4 Deleting123456
This fanfic is getting excited. I really wish Morgana would tell someone though. I can't wait for an update. So hurry! :)

2/5/2009 c4 9Kenwoody
E! Update soon!
1/2/2009 c4 UnSacapuntas
This is really good! I'm looking forward to reading more!
12/4/2008 c4 1moonlightfaery
o :) surely he wouldnt turn her in ek keep going :) lovely story x
12/1/2008 c4 3Miss-Paparella
short but sweet :D I liked Arthur's concern for Morgana, and Gwen trying to get through. Can't wait for the next part!

11/30/2008 c3 Miss-Paparella
This is so sweet! I really like the interesting plotline and how you describe Morgana's feelings about it, and also the future MerlinXGwen and ArthurxMorgana. Please update soon!

11/28/2008 c2 1moonlightfaery
o i like! please write more :) She doesnt tell him and he gets all worried about her and nice for once then she tells him :) hehe xx
11/26/2008 c2 7Roses23
Aww this is so good! I love reading Arthur/Morgana fanfics but there are so little of them. I've just finished writing a one shot for them, but it is no where as good as yours.

Update please ... :D
11/25/2008 c1 5lawla
It's good and it's definitely got potential :D


No offence, but your grammar needs a bit of work.

For example:

'“Good morning Gwen.” She said as her eyes fell upon the petit girl standing in front of her. Her dark skin barely visible in the darkness of the halls.

Gwen bowed her head slightly before looking back up. It was her job to wake Morgana each morning and bring her, her breakfast.'

should be

'"Good morning, Gwen," she said as her eyes fell upon the petite girl standing in front of her. Her dark skin was barely visible in the darkness of the halls. [You need the was to make it a sentence; otherwise, I do believe that it's just a phrase.]

Gwen bowed her head slightly before looking back up. It was her job to wake Morgana each morning and bring her her breakfast. [Confusing isn't it, but you don't need the extra comma.]'

However, I do like the plot and I think the fic has definite potential. I will check back tomorrow to read the rest :D

I like the last line as well (:
11/23/2008 c1 2Marmite Hogaboom
Hey I like this story so far. I really think you should keep writting

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