12/31/2008 c10 1Thorn555
Very well done dream sequence. Dreams are hard to do in a way that can be understood, but you did a good job.
Very well done dream sequence. Dreams are hard to do in a way that can be understood, but you did a good job.
12/30/2008 c9 Thorn555
Aww! That is so sweet! Keep writing more! This stpry is going to be good. I can tell.
Aww! That is so sweet! Keep writing more! This stpry is going to be good. I can tell.
12/8/2008 c6 2Rei.Rein
Sweet as. Poor Reid... If I'm thinking correctly that is. I loved your stuff once more ;) Keep up the good work. Cant wait til the nxt chap! :D
Sweet as. Poor Reid... If I'm thinking correctly that is. I loved your stuff once more ;) Keep up the good work. Cant wait til the nxt chap! :D
12/3/2008 c3 Rei.Rein
Aw... that's so sweet! I'm not the girl to be all into that lovey crap but still that was nice as :D
Aw... that's so sweet! I'm not the girl to be all into that lovey crap but still that was nice as :D
11/30/2008 c2 Rei.Rein
*squeals* aw that's so cute! hahahaha thanx for the major hint on Gabby.LOL:P Keep writing! Cant wait for your next chapter. Lol I dont have much of a life so thats why I update often.
*squeals* aw that's so cute! hahahaha thanx for the major hint on Gabby.LOL:P Keep writing! Cant wait for your next chapter. Lol I dont have much of a life so thats why I update often.