Just In
for Indulgence: The Mirror

1/4/2014 c1 28MidnightEden234
I've gotta say that was pretty interesting. I've never read a fic quite like this one!
2/15/2010 c1 8Strawberry-Ringo
Hehe! I loved this! It really is a compainion piece to Indulgence. It matches perfectly. ^^

6/3/2009 c1 3Greensl33ves
I think...this was brilliant! Damn but I love your writing and characterization of these two. So creepy, yet very very hott and true to character. For the record, I made the mistake of trying to take a drink of water while reading the first line of this fic and ended up spitting it all over myself ;p Ah well. Very well done, as usual, and though I haven't read the other fic this goes with, if it's anything near as good as this one... *sigh* I hope you write some more soon!

(For the record, you left a review on one of my fics, in which you said I had left one on yours, which is how I found this. :D Well, I updated that fic if you are interested, just to let you know, and I think we are officially playing tag.)

I must go read the companion to this now!
4/22/2009 c1 20tant-gredelin
I think your story really goes hand in hand with the story that inspired you to write this. They're both good and extremly hot.

So yes, you did it justice, definitely!
4/11/2009 c1 IchigoAndCream17
1/5/2009 c1 2Elyon Tama
That was hot. *Grins excitedly* I really think you did a good job at it. :D It was nearly as good as the first one! And that's beyound excellent! *has stars in her eyes* Once again... very, very hot! *Has a small nosebleed* .
12/24/2008 c1 scissorhands1990

all hot and bothered now...

well done!
12/3/2008 c1 14yaoiXXX





12/3/2008 c1 8Ruyu-san
Brilliant! Great job on the POV. While I was reading I was remembering what Ichigo had been thinking and wanting at the time. All in all - successful and smexy. I like the part where Shiro realized that Ichigo was fantasizing about him...that's hot. *waves her Hichi/Ichi flag*


12/3/2008 c1 7Sakura Lucy Li
It is perfect to see Hichigo point of view in this! Thanks for writing it!
12/3/2008 c1 376Nakimochiku
*giggles* i SO enjoyed that. hee hee. that was exactly what i needed this morning (is off to read it again) and it was most definately not what i was expecting when you told me about this mirror. most definately not. that was gorgeous love. and hot. now, before my nosebleed stains my pajama pants... heh.
12/3/2008 c1 6SendMoreParamedics
You really get the whole power struggle dealio, IMO, at least... ^^;

Mang, I can't tell ta call it cute, hot, or what...

Oh well. IT WAS GOOD! *cheers quietly for it is almost 3 in the mornging*

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