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for A Dreary Tuesday Night

2/18/2013 c1 Guest
I love ... love it
2/26/2010 c1 5Boyfriend Tees and Honey Bees
AW so cute!
2/3/2010 c1 Yuti-Chan
That was awesome :D
9/6/2009 c1 Apple Of The Sand
Honestly, I think you could have called this fic "He Saw" or "The Thing About Love" without giving the plot away, but I like the title you have now. "A Dreary Tuesday Night" is a good name for a one-shot, I think, and it gives the impression that something happened that the reader wants to know about.

To be honest, I started reading this fic because the title and summary both made me curious about what was wrong with Sakura, and how it would interest Deidara. So I was a little disappointed that she was only crying (over who knows what - there are plenty of possibilities). But I know not everything can be a fireworks display. Sometimes it's the short and simple romances like this one that are the most charming.

My favorite line was Deidara's, the first in the last segment: “Here’s the thing about love,” he murmured into her ear, lazily toying with a strand of pink hair in his long fingers. “you never know when it’s going to strike, yeah.” ^_^ It's so true! Not to mention it makes me feel as though this coupling has been impending for a long time, like the scene was being set for them before either made their appearances.
3/20/2009 c1 6Devilangel11795
great one shot :D and everyone is asking whats wrong wit sakura its probebly sasuke am i right?
2/14/2009 c1 13xxbochixx
Awesome! Don't really get the last part though! :D

Explain? I'm sorry... :D
12/29/2008 c1 14mewantpancake
It's so sweet i love your deisaku fanfics ^^ i followed you didn't it love that :D
12/5/2008 c1 mrs . reader
wow ! very well done , i absolutly love the whole idea of this short one-shoot =] i wonder what happened to sakura ... anyway grate job !
12/3/2008 c1 70Kagome-Loves-Kouga
I like this one. and what happened to Sakura? Ehh, probably something horrid.

anywho, I loved it. nice work!

Ja Ne, K.L.K

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