Just In
for When Fiction Becomes Reality

6/11 c17 Guest
It's a door JAMB, not a JAM.
6/10 c8 Guest
It's "She deserved a better life THAN that," not THEN. "Then" tells when. (We'll eat and then we'll go.) "Than" shows a comparison. (She is nicer than her sister.)
6/10 c7 Guest
The plural of "hero" is "heroes," as in "The heroes are admired by all." "Hero's" is possessive, as in "The hero's cape was wrinkled."
6/10 c5 Guest
It's "whoa," not "woah." Look it up if you don't believe me.
3/27 c20 ToMyMuse
I loved reading this story, even though it’s unfinished. At least we got to see them happy together for a bit.
3/21 c20 MyEdwardWillCome
Just found this story and begging to know how it ends between these 2. Please update!
2/3 c20 twificfan
Great story, wish there was more!
10/20/2023 c17 BehindTheEyes
Ahhh okay good…
10/19/2023 c14 BehindTheEyes
8/19/2023 c19 Momma Laura
Haha - Heavens to Murgatroyd is the expression! Snagglepuss used to say it all the time in the Yogi Bear cartoons. We used it a lot back in the 60s. Really liking this story. Someone recommended it in another story written many years ago. I've been trying to read all her recs over the days I've been reading her story. It's actually putting me behind in my housework - lol! If you ever go back and edit, search the word "minuets" and change it to minutes. Spell check won't catch that one because it's an actual word, just not the one you meant. Thanks for the pleasant afternoon of reading :)
5/8/2023 c20 vitoria160599
Continue por favor
11/29/2022 c20 13French Shark
I've been following this story for over a DECADE and somehow forgot its unfinished?! Please tell me you'll come back to it! and ASAP
10/19/2022 c20 7SnowGoose
Is this story finished? I would really love to read more.
7/28/2022 c20 Jillgrab
I REALLY hope you come back and finish this story! I know it’s been a long time but a girl can dream.
7/28/2022 c17 Jillgrab
Yesss! I can’t wait for “tomorrow”
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