Just In
for The NonDenominational Party

2/2/2015 c1 4Spitfire303
Dude! He is good :P
8/26/2013 c1 4tigerlily124
Derren Brown trick lol! Good one. Patrick would have beaten him though so good job on the tickets.
3/5/2013 c1 46janesbiotch
this story is so sweet and funny and entertaining every time that i read it.
5/1/2012 c1 6Maggy
VERY nice!

What great "non-denominational holiday" story for *The Mentalist*.

Well done.
11/10/2011 c1 Nucksfan2011
You got the voices but this BMX thing is Derren Brown. He did it with Simon Pegg. Hmm, not exactly original...
4/16/2009 c1 4Sky-Thorn
Very good. Did you get the idea for the story from Derren Brown? I swear he did something very similar with Simon Pegg. But yeah, very very good. And funny too, and so exactly what Jane would do.
1/10/2009 c1 21CoffeeQueen
haha :) Very cute! I really liked the story!
12/31/2008 c1 3Lerrinus
OMG this is bleedin' brilliant, you got Patrick Jane and Rigsby down perfectly, I can see this happening on the show, great work, loved the ending! :-D
12/23/2008 c1 19bulletproofweeks
Ha! Ha! I love it! This really got me in the holiday spirit! At first I thought the bike thing was a grammatical error, but then it happened again... AMAZING, FUN STORY!
12/18/2008 c1 41SpaceMonkey0941
Haha, cute story! Poor Rigsby, he's way out of his league.
12/16/2008 c1 38mswyrr
I really enjoyed reading this! I thought your characterization was good and you really captured the dynamic Jane has with the rest of the team.
12/14/2008 c1 24Elle Knight
Very festive and wonderful incorporation of a Darren Brown trick!
12/13/2008 c1 2flyersgirl12
very cool story :) nice darren brown trick and i always knew rigsby was a hockey guy :D
12/13/2008 c1 15mylittlehazmat
Cute. I'd be pleased if you'd write another Mentalist fic. You're very good at coming up with tricks. ;D


12/13/2008 c1 30snchills
Hahahahahaha that was great. Loved it.
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