Just In
for delicious yuuki

1/11/2009 c11 9Bobby Rae
heres review #42
1/11/2009 c11 6flowerspring
Wo, well, I don't send reviews that much because I don't know what to say XD But well, I have to say that your fic is really good and hope you get does 50 or more reviews FAST! XD

Bye bye!

1/6/2009 c10 1nesha-chan
I like it. Purely fluff and porn. The chapters are a little short, though.
1/6/2009 c10 5aeonreclipse
MY MY MY... that was...something not just any something a WONDERFUL SOMETHING nice job once again nice job
1/6/2009 c10 ThsspThsspThssp117
That is indeed hot.


Keep up the sexy work!
1/6/2009 c8 3sakura saya
who ho i love your story i want more its so
1/2/2009 c8 buck
Ok please write more thank you
1/1/2009 c8 1LadyKitKat
Hurry and Update!
12/28/2008 c8 niki

I love it!

FINALLY some Yuuki/Kaname action!


12/28/2008 c8 meow114
AAH to many cliff hanger's -( plz update :P
12/27/2008 c8 lovevampires101
Please write a new chapter soon. I can't stand not knowing what he said to her. I loved the part where he goes “I will teach you the ways of the body , the ways of pleasure and what it feels like to have me within you slowly thrusting in and out of you , while you scream my name and wither in pleasure beneath me , I will teach you what it feels like to have my finger’s slid in and out of your women hood” I want to know her reaction, please hurry!

12/27/2008 c8 Shakspeare's muse
LOL Very... lusty? Oh well i like it
12/27/2008 c8 Teh Mew
You are so...EVIL! *shakes fist at you* That is so not fair, yo! *pouts* If you don't continue I will explode. @-@
12/25/2008 c8 3yuenying848
interesting! wont yuuki get afraid and avoid kaname after that?
12/24/2008 c8 4Lizzybedazzle
misy u hav to update soon im like dying to see wat happens next u hav these cliff hangers my god! LMAO! ur story is great abosolutely no complaints except for the SHORT and may I Repeat Short chapter! Anywho update soon and keep up the good work. U made my list... Ina good way dont wrry.
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