11/1/2012 c1
Lol, so that what happened when Jiraiya explained to Naruto the first time. Good going Tsunade, I can see how wonderful you are compared to Jiraiya. I wonder how Kakshi would explain it to Naruto, considering he would start getting shy, blush, tear up before promptly running away when talking to others on the topic sex and alike.

Lol, so that what happened when Jiraiya explained to Naruto the first time. Good going Tsunade, I can see how wonderful you are compared to Jiraiya. I wonder how Kakshi would explain it to Naruto, considering he would start getting shy, blush, tear up before promptly running away when talking to others on the topic sex and alike.
3/13/2009 c3 syk0weasel
Nice funny little story. Would have been good if you had added in the others attempts at educating him also. but still a fun little read.
Nice funny little story. Would have been good if you had added in the others attempts at educating him also. but still a fun little read.
2/8/2009 c1 blue
Pretty sure there's already a story like this under naruto x shizune and by like I mean almost exactly the same
Pretty sure there's already a story like this under naruto x shizune and by like I mean almost exactly the same
1/28/2009 c1 MIDKNIGHT The Fallen One
Wow, akward does not cut it on that one, believe me. But that was funny as hell though. The whole "butter a muffin' was good.
Wow, akward does not cut it on that one, believe me. But that was funny as hell though. The whole "butter a muffin' was good.
12/23/2008 c1 ishikawa
nice... i would LOVE to see THAT in an episode... XD
nice... i would LOVE to see THAT in an episode... XD
12/21/2008 c1 WeeEEee
This was really funny.I wonder how many times they tried to give him the talk already.
This was really funny.I wonder how many times they tried to give him the talk already.
12/20/2008 c1
this story is very funny. you should continue this and have a different person do it each day until naruto doesn't get scarred for life

this story is very funny. you should continue this and have a different person do it each day until naruto doesn't get scarred for life
12/20/2008 c1 Twobloods
that was hilarious... hahahaha
nice one... more of these kind of story please...
that was hilarious... hahahaha
nice one... more of these kind of story please...
12/19/2008 c1 PNorth
Holy crap that was so funny. You know you should add a chapter for all for of them trying to explain the birds and bees. Anyway good job.
Holy crap that was so funny. You know you should add a chapter for all for of them trying to explain the birds and bees. Anyway good job.